The Kendal Jenner inspired workout I use to do for abs. (I need to start again)


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2 minutes stair machine slightly faster pace than normal (or run for 15-20 fast steady pace)
2 minute break

2minute plank
2 minute side planks
30 second rest
100 crunches
100 side crunches each side
100 reverse crunches
100 Russian twists
100 bicycle crunches
30 second break
25 V crunches
1 minute break

1 minute 30 second plank and side planks
20 second rest
75 each: crunches, side crunches, reverse crunches
75 Russian twists
75 bicycle crunches
20 second break
20 V crunches
1 minute break

1 minute plank, side planks
15 second rest
50 each: crunches, side crunches, reverse crunches
50 Russian twists
50 bicycle crunches
15 second rest
15 V crunches
1 minute break

45 second Plank, side planks
10 second rest
30 each: crunches, side crunches, reverse crunches
30 Russian twists
30 bicycle crunches
10 second rest
10 V crunches
1 minute break

30 second Plank, side planks
15 each: Crunches, side crunches, reverse crunches
15 twists
15 bicycle crunches
5 V crunches
@aenne1952 People do a lot of ab work thinking that’s what’s going to get rid of their belly. You can’t spot reduce fat.

If you’re doing a normal weightlifting program, you’re going to use your core for a ton of movements, especially compounds, and your abs can get a lot of the work just from that. A lot of lifter do little or no direct ab training and still have abs. Visible abs are mostly a product of diet rather than exercise. You just have to be lean enough to see the abs you already have.

Finally, even as an ab workout, which is kind of ridiculous in and of itself, this is an absurd amount of volume. You could cut the majority of it out and add weight and have a much shorter workout.

This is essentially cardio via core exercises.
@kaiisbae Never said you couldn’t do other things to loose belly fat, but this also strengthened the hell out of my core. So don’t shit on it until you try it.

Edit: ever wonder why so many people have to put their hands under their ass or back when doing any kind of leg lifts when laying on the ground? Do this once and you’ll never have to do that again. Abs heal incredibly fast, especially with a great diet. And like I said, you can do other things, but this is a quick and effective way to a strong core, fat loss (because it does directly target the abs), and a really nice physique. Have you seen Kendall Jenners abs? Also some people don’t have the schedule, or can’t afford to go to the gym, don’t have room for, or simply don’t wanna lift weights. HITT, calethinics, and Styles of PT from the Militairy are more than enough without going to the gym to gain muscle and strength.
@aenne1952 I used to do a ton of ab work and yeah I got a stronger core, but I didn’t get visible abs. Just saying that I think people get the wrong idea about what these types of workouts can do and I honesty think it’s kind of disingenuous of the people who put them out.

I also just point blank think it’s too much volume for one muscle group in one workout. If you wrote out a program for chest with the same amount of volume it would be equally ridiculous. The abs can take more work for sure, but at a certain point it’s just junk.
@kaiisbae Maybe you ate way more than you could get rid or were doing junk excersizes. Just keep track of your intake and try this exercise once or twice and then see if your opinion changes.

Nothing is too much volume so long as your muscles are healing properly and giving your muscles rest. You don’t need to do this more than once a week to be fair because it makes up for a lot. I use to do it every 2-3 days depending on my schedule.