The Troubles With Doubles

@mydonspace I think DU's comes down to motivation. They look so easy, but they aren't. Which makes it even more frustrating when you don't nail them after a couple of practice sessions. So people just give up. It's easier to just say "I don't care about getting dubs" and keep doing singles.

Dropped in to a place once years ago that was different. Big sets of DU's in the workout. If you didn't have them, you got like :30 to practice, then it was burpees as a sub. All the locals with any experience could do DU's. All of them.
@rhondasl I agree for some.

But others must be like me - motivated like crazy, practicing routinely to the point of Achilles sprain, for years, with trivial progress. Hence, my post. There needs to be better instruction for those of us lacking natural ability.
@schafer Try wrapping bright tape around the middle of the rope. Get in good lighting and see if it stays centered. If the rope is scewing lopsided, you need to fix that first. It took me a frustratingly long time to figure out how.
@mydonspace I started in January, and by Feb I was able to go single-single-double but could never get any doubles in a row. Then a few weeks ago for warmup a coach I don’t normally do WODs with had us practice super slow singles (my point being, I hadn’t tried this technique before.) And that day, I actually got doubles. 14 in a row! So, FWIW I would say a slow singles was a big key for me.
@mydonspace Even skipping singles is tough if you start from "I can't skip". I can easily do the jumping but timing it with the rope is just difficult for me.

I did a scaled version of a WOD yesterday with singles instead of doubles and I still only managed 7-12 at a time before falling. When you're doing 60+ skips, I spend more time resetting the rope than jumping, which means I spend so long on the skips I miss the "main" focus of the session.

To counter this, I pick an appropriate time limit for each round of skips and keep to it.

Once I can smash out the singles I will give doubles a try!
@mydonspace I struggled for a while to string doubles but my coach would make me break them up into smaller sets in a wod. So like 2x15 unbroken instead of 30 and when I only had to hit a smaller number it mentally clicked
@mydonspace For me and I think it’s a combo of practice timing but whenever I know I’m about to try a dub my mind says okay here we go and I end up tensing up as I try and spin that rope and bam hits my foot, so frustrating. Working hard to relax.