This a good workout for an 18y/o beginner


New member
Hello I started working out at a gym a week ago and I got these exercises from a friend.

Am I missing any key exercises or this a good workout? Thank you!
  1. Leg extentions
  2. Hamstring curls
  3. Leg press
  4. Hip abduction
  5. Hip adduction
  6. Calf raises

7. Standing obliques crunches / abdominal machine​

  1. Cable pullover rope
  2. Incline dumbbell press
  3. Sitting chest press machine
  4. Lat pulldowns
  5. Reverse grip lat pulldowns

6. Chest flys machine​

  1. Sitting shoulder press machine
  2. Dumbbell shrugs
  3. Cable lateral raises
  4. Barbell/EZ bar curls
  5. Straight bar tricep pushdowns
  6. Hammer curls
  7. Tricep overhead rope
  8. Rear delts fly machine
Two days on one day off. I rest 2-4minites in between sets. More rest on last set. Any general tips are greatly appreciated!
@totemism I mean, it’s a fine list of exercises and entirely too much volume for a single gym session. Why not do an upper/lower split or follow any established program? Here’s the famous fitness wiki where you can find a list of proven programs to follow:

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