This morning my fellow lady lifters outnumbered the men 9 to 1 in the weight room... we're basically taking over


New member
So my university gym is a fairly big facility, with 2 main levels for free weights. One upper with all your dumbbells, machines, and a few power racks; and a lower dedicated 'lifting zone' with a ton more power racks, deadlift platforms, benches, more dumbbells, and barbells for all. And fairly often down there there's maybe one other girl when I'm there, which doesn't really phase me. So this morning when I went not only were there only 10 people there, but 9/10 of those people were women! And I had this weird observation when I realized it was that guy who was outnumbered for once. It kind of made me wonder if he was a bit self conscious of that fact. Also really made me feel great about all the girls around me that were lifting heavy!

Anyway, I just wanted to share that Gym Story Saturday with you ladies because I figured you guys would appreciate it!
@wewalkbyfaith I don't think the guy was self conscious at all. Much more likely he went and told all his buddies how he was the only guy in the weight room surrounded by 9 chicks and how awesome the view was.
@wewalkbyfaith So rad! I also work out at a university gym (which is very well equipped), and I took a video of myself squatting to check my form. When I went back to watch the video, I noticed that the next two power racks were being used by women :) (I'm oblivious to these things while working out)

Over the past few months, I'm seeing more and more women lifting heavy shit and, my favorite, banging out pull/chin ups.
@wewalkbyfaith I love this! Friday evenings at my gym are when all of the Women Who Do Serious Lifting converge at the gym at once. We all show up at different times throughout the week, but somehow we all decided to go there Friday nights as well.

The only guys who show up on Friday evenings as well are a few fellow Serious Lifters (aka kindred spirits); all the regular gymbros are presumably out getting their pre-drink on for the clubs.
2 main levels for free weights. One upper with all your dumbbells, machines, and a few power racks; and a lower dedicated 'lifting zone' with a ton more power racks, deadlift platforms, benches, more dumbbells, and barbells for all.


Your gym sounds amazing
@denice65 Yeah, not going to lie, it's really great! It was just built ~5 years ago, and they did a really great job (which went way over budget apparently and we pay extra student fees for it, but it's great). I've basically never had to wait for a rack (there's 12 in total in the whole place). It's kind of making me dread when I'm done my Master's and have to find another gym wherever I move to. But I also want this thesis done and to start making real money...

edit: typo
@wewalkbyfaith I don't think we'll ever outnumber the men at my university gym because its a pretty big university, but I've come to love Fridays because they are the slow days which means that it's usually me and two other girls I've started talking to and then a handful of guys. Best thing is is that the two other girls lift heavier than me and have been being really encouraging and helping me fix my shit. It's great. It also has begun to make me wonder how the hell I bench as much as I do because one of the girls knows so much more and does a lot more accessory work than me, and I out bench her by ten pounds. I either just stumbled into a routine that just works, or I am a freak of nature soon to go she-hulk. (I really wanna be she-hulk, have you seen her? She's hot)
@birddseedd I agree about she-hulk, she's smokin'.

That's awesome having gym friends to help fix stuff and encourage! It's always good getting tips from the people who really know their shit. I've never really interacted a lot with other people in my gym, I think I kind of get in the zone and get a real bitch face on when I'm there. But a guy I know apparently commented to one of my friends that he saw me the other day, and told her I was really strong, haha. Just a friend from back in first year, but when she told me it just made my day!
@wewalkbyfaith I wish my gym was like that, I get surrounded by 5 or 6 men and they're all European guys so I have no idea what shit they're chatting when they're giving me the look. I want to go to your gym!
@wewalkbyfaith Awesome! We are taking over, bwahah.

My Gym Story Saturday is that all four squat racks at my gym were open, because it is nice outside, and because my gym is located in a more businessy area of town (River North, for those familiar with Chicago neighborhoods).

It would have been super awesome, were it not for the fact that it is deadlift day, haha.
@gregoryt89 The last time that happened (it was sunny and warm on Mother's Day), I used em to practice better over head squat form. Was there on a cardio-only/rest day but couldn't resist the derth of empty cages, like.... that NEVER happens. I'm still not quiet convinced it could ever happen again.