Thoughts/help with diet model about to use to cut

KCAL: 2200 P:210 C: 185 F: 70

Breakfast: 4 eggs + 150g egg white and spinach omelette

Meal 2: Salmon fillet + 250g rice + 100g broccoli

Meal 3: 2 scoop shake + almond milk

Meal 4: 40g oats + 200g 0% greek yogurt + 75g raspberries

Meal 5: 275g chicken + 150g boiled potato + 100g carrots + 100g broccoli

Snacks: 20g almonds

Any thoughts + ideas on micros i might be low on would be appreciated. Or simply reassurance the model's decent if that's the case. Cheers.
@jesscalooking4help Well I'm not sure what your current workout regimen is, or if it includes cardio but here are the minor issues I see. You have quite a few carbs with your last meal and none with your first, I'd switch that because your body is starving more when waking up than going to bed. Secondly I'm not a fan of meal 4, I'd replace the yogurt with a better protein source, preferably non dairy if you're cutting, plus even though it's fat free they usually have a decent amount of sugar. Another thing I'd do is ditch the almond milk in your shake and use water, fat can actually slow the digestion of protein and that's not what you want post workout. What I'd do if it was me, scrap the yogurt in place of chicken or steak, and move your oatmeal and berries with your breakfast, and have a pile of veggies with said steak or chicken as a last meal. Change meal 5 to 4 because potatoes are a good post workout carb.

Hopefully that helps a bit
@leolady77 Very much appreciate the help so you’d say possibly

Omelette + oatmeal without yogurt
Shake with water
Salmon meal
Chicken + veg (pre workout)
Chicken potato meal (post workout)
Snack: almonds

Would be better suited? Ive no issue with that tbh, as for workout regiment pretty standard PPL 5/6 days a week, not a great deal of cardio. Honestly find it easier to cut the extra kcal than implement more cardio
@jesscalooking4help So this

Meal 1 - omelette, oats and berries

Meal 2 - salmon and rice

Meal 3 - Shake with water

Meal 4 - chicken and potatoes and veggies

Meal 5 - meat with veggies

You can add extra almonds in your snack to replace the almond milk.

As for cardio it's not usually necessary until you get lean, especially if you don't enjoy it you can split it up into short 10 minute sessions but 2 or 3 times a day. Whether it's walking, as a warm up or cooldown etc.
@jesscalooking4help First off, I'm no expert.

I would advise you to find a REGISTERED DIETITIAN that meets your needs. A Registered Dietitian (RD) would be equipped to help you with your specific diet needs. Make sure they have a relevant degree, and are an RD. A lot of "nutritionists" get BS certifications that indicate no experience- some of them are essentially product salesmen and saleswomen.

Dietitians can be super expensive, and I know it was a luxury that i could afford one for help. I'm currently working on app that can help you find a Registered Dietician specific to your needs, AND get basic services for as low as 20$. I'm in super early stages - not trying to sell anything. If anyone is interested in using this, or has any ideas/ feedback, comment or chat