Thoughts on Bullmastiff for hypertrophy?


New member
Bullmastiff is a free 4 day upper/lower program by Alexander Bromley that consists of a 9 week base phase, and a 9 weeks peak phase. I will not be doing the peak phase, but rather look at running the base phase. Primarily for hypertrophy goals, but also getting better at handling heavy sets of S/B/DL/OHP, and to see if this program can teach me, an early intermediate, what my body responds well to.

quick rundown of the program for those who wish to read:

week 1-3:

S/B/D/OHP 4x6 at 65%1RM (last set being amrap to autoregulate weight increase(weekly))

developmental tier 2 exercises(tempo OHP, RDLs, front squats, Spoto press) at 3/4/5x12 RPE 6

3-4 accessories each day: 2/3/4x12-15

week 4-6:

S/B/D/OHP 5x5 at 70&1RM (last set being amrap to autoregulate weight increase)

Developmental tier 2 exercises at 3/4/5x10 RPE 7

3-4 accessories each day: 3/4/5x10-12

week 7-9:

S/B/D/OHP 6x4 at 75%1RM (last set being amrap to autoregulate weight increase)

Developmental tier 2 exercises at 3/4/5x8 RPE 8

accessories: 4/5/6x8-10

(Accessories consist of bicep curls, tricep extensions, BO row, lat pulldown, rear delt fly, leg curls, leg extensions & cable crunches)

I think the strenght of the program is, as Alex says himself, that it's made to work for a wide group of people and is meant to be tweaked. The fact that you can easily get your head around the mechanics of the program makes it, to me, an early intermediate, easier to learn about what my body responds well to. Simply because it's so stripped down and easy to see the intention.

That being said; I think i would like to alter the exercise selection. doing heel elevated platz squats instead of front squats, and maybe add some lateral raises and such.

What are your thoughts on Bullmastiff's base phase as a hypertrophy program?
@jacob40524 It looks like a solid program, and I love Bromley’s work for strength stuff - but there’s just not a whole ton of muscle growth going to happen in just 9 weeks for intermediates or better. If you’re gonna use it for pure hypertrophy I’d probably run it 2-3x in a row - with minor tweaks along the way with your exercise selection