Thoughts on first cut workout routine?


New member
Just finished my first bulk, I'm about to start cutting (only want to lose maybe 10 pounds). How is this routine? I was going to do this 3 times a week along with some light cardio and ab workouts and trying to get in 10k steps a day. I'm also doing some shoulder PT for an injury. I weigh around 177, 6 feet tall, estimated 18% body fat, and I'm planning on eating 2400 calories with a 40% protein, 40% carbs, 20% fat split. I'm worried its too much but I dont want to a lot. The only equipment I have is two 52.5 adjustable dumbells, resistance bands, and a foam roller

Workout A:

Squats 4x 8-12 (50) q

RDL 2x 8-12 (50) h

Concentration curls 2x 8-12 (25) bi

Bent over row 4 x 8-12 (52.5) ba

Incline Bench press 2x12 (52.5) c

Sphinx pushup 1 x 15 t

Overhead shoulder press 2x 8-12 (25) s

Lateral raise 1x 8-12 (15) s

Curls 4x 8-12 (20) bi

Kickbacks 2x 8-12 (35) t

Calf raises 3x 20 (52.5) ca

Close grip Bench press 2x 8-12 (52.5) ch

Hamstring curls 2x 8-12 (52.5) h

Workout B:

Bench press 2x 8-12 (52.5)

Hamstring curls 2x 8-12

Concentration curls 2x 8-12 (25)

Incline press 2x 8-12 (52.5)

Deadlift 2x 8-12 (52.5)

Reverse Lunges 3x 8-12 (45)

Overhead press 2x 8-12 (30)

Farmers walk 30 meters (52.5)

Bent over row 2x 8-12 (52.5)

Shrugs 1x 8-12 (50)

Skull crushers 2x 8-12 (30)

Hammer curls 4x 8-12 (25)

Calf raises 2x 8-12 (52.5)

Bulgarian split squat 3x 8-12 (52.5)

Pushups 30 reps

Workout C:

Bent over row 4x 8-12 (52.5)

Incline Bench press 2x12 (52.5)

Pushups 30 reps

Squats 3x 8-12 (47.5)

Glute Bridge 3x 8-12 (60)

Arnold press 2x 8-12 (25)

Upright row 1x 8-12 (30)

Curl 2x 8-12 (25)

Reverse lunge 3x 8-12 (42.5)

Lying tricep extension 3x 8-12 (25)

Close grip Bench press 2x 8-12 (52.5)

Calf raise 3x 20 (52.5)

Hamstring curls 4x 8-12 (52.5)
@soulonfire4god You don't need a different routine between bulking and cutting, certainly not as a beginner.

Your have way too much volume that's compromising your growth potential with compound exercises.

There are six major movements:
  • Vertical pull (pull-ups/lat pull-downs)
  • Vertical push (overhead press)
  • Horizontal pull (rows)
  • Horizontal push (bench press/push-ups)
  • Anterior chain (squats)
  • Posterior chain (deadlifts)
Evidence suggests (source) that the programming to promote the largest strength gains includes:
  • Long-term training (>23 weeks)
  • Frequency of 1-3x per exercise per week
  • High intensities (80-89% of 1RM)
  • High volumes (5 sets per exercise beat out 1-4 sets per exercise)
  • Moderate number of reps per set (6-8)
  • Long rest duration (3-4 minutes between sets)
Additionally, training to failure is not effective (source 1, source 2, source 3).