Thoughts on Mike Mentzer’s “Heavy Duty” workout


New member
Good evening, everyone! I just want to ask if your thoughts on Mike Mentzer’s training style? Anyone who tried training using this style?

Found a website that explained his training method. Essentially, he divides his body part into two workouts and allow 48 hours between workouts (Ex.: workout A on Monday, B on Wednesday, A on Friday, B on Sunday). Also, he does 1-3 warmup sets and on last warmup, he uses 75% of the weight he is going to use for his working set. He then proceeds doing 1-2 working sets going full rep failure in 6-8reps. He also utilizes pre-exhaust supersets (he does an isolation exercise before a compound). Lastly, he extend sets beyond failure with forced reps, negatives, and rest-pause.

P.S. here is an example of his workout A (Legs, Chest, Triceps):

Leg extension - 2 sets, 6-8 reps superset with leg press for 2 sets 6-8 reps

Squat 1 set x 6-8reps

Leg curl 2 sets x 6-8 reps

Standing Calf raise 2 sets x 6-8 reps

Calf Press 1 set 6x8 reps

Dumbbell/or pec deck fly 2 sets x 6-8 reps, superset with incline barbell press 2 sets x 6-8 reps

Dip 2 sets x 6-8 reps

Pushdown 1 set 6x8 reps, superset with dip 1 set 6x8 reps

Lying triceps extension 2 sets 6-8reps.


Has anyone tried this type of training style? Thank you in advance guys.
@isthaail13 This is the way I’ve been training for almost a year na ata now, I’ve gained the best results so far. Tried high volume, “powerbuilding”, RPE based, etc before but incomparable talaga for me

I don’t adhere sa pre-exhaust idea, pero I do feeder sets before my first actual working set. Low volume, all to failure. Sample chest day na I do once a week. Preferably stable exercises.
  1. Flat machine press - 2x6-8 reps
  2. Incline machine press - 2x6-8 reps
  3. Pec deck flye - 1x6-8 reps
Low volume, high intensity training has always been supported by science. Mentzer was way ahead of his time 🫡
@isthaail13 Nah I made my own. I used to do PPLPP with 3-4 days of rest in between eg. PPRLRPPRR

But I wanted to reduce the volume even more kasi parang palaging pagod (madaming factors ito hindi lang overtraining but that’s the variable I chose to adjust) so I switched to traditional bro split - Chest, Back, Rest, Legs, Delt/Arms, Rest, Rest.

And surprisingly seen better progress with my lifts and not feel burnt out
@isthaail13 Tbh not a priority for my goals now. I used to do powerlifting training before switching to hypertrophy focused training kaya medyo imbalanced yung upper ko sa lower. And now, I barely hit legs siguro 2-3x a month lang lol medyo hip dominant din ako and long torso relative to my legs kaya kapag bulky yung legs ko awkward mukhang gasul

Incorporating consistent running din now with my routine kaya mas nakakatamad lalo. Numbers wise, I always beat my previous session kasi I enjoy pushing hard kapag leg day