Three years vegan. I feel about the same as I did when I wasn't a vegan


New member
Just because I like the full range of responses to be represented online, here's a somewhat different n=1 datapoint.

Prior to Dec 2016, I ate any type of food other than mammal meat. Since then, I have been a vegan. As far as I can recall, I feel roughly the same as I did back then.

The two possible exceptions, but they're a stretch:
  1. I used to occasionally get very quite tired after big dinners back then and I think that has abated somewhat now, but back then I was also at a much heavier (unhealthy) weight. I've lost weight since, but it's due to being much more calorie conscious (and I've found it's just as easy to become overweight as a vegan). I still get tired after big vegan dinners, but I seem to recall it as even somewhat worse back then. Not sure.
  2. If I go back long ago (~25 years?), I seem to recall greasy egg and home fries breakfasts at restaurants often causing some digestive issues. I don't know if that was the eggs or the grease.
So, on balance, I just don't really notice a clear difference. I certainly do not have obviously increased energy or new mental clarity. In fact, as either a vegan or semi-omnivore, I have always been somewhat dissatisfied with my energy levels. I'm in reasonably good shape (resting heart rate under 60, sometimes under 50) and eat what I think is a healthful diet, but it's not as strict as it could be.

I'm not complaining. It's fine.
@flyingforjesus The implication here is important though. I imagine that there is a subsection of people who are scared of going vegan because they could feel worse. If you feel the same, and on the whole your impact on the environment and the lives of animals is better, than why not choose the less harmful option.

Like you said, N=1, but still. I think it’s important for non-vegans to hear about those who went vegan and nothing changed - life kept plotting on.
@fujimaki_toru Lots of men are concerned their sexual stamina would get worse if they stopped eating meat.

Also, at least in Finland we have a systematic problem with work lunches. Most restaurants offering lunch will give a few options to chose from with just one being vegan or vegetarian. Sadly, the vegetarian option is most often also the low calorie option. This rules out everyone who needs more calories as part of their lunch.

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