Is three weeks of the gym worth it?

@ecco Any excercise is better than no excercise. You might not build muscle ideally or train cardio like an Olympic athlete. But anything is better than being seditary. Some studies now suggest a seditary lifestyle is the leading cause for Obesity.
Heart diseases, including coronary artery disease and heart attack.
High blood pressure.
High cholesterol.
Metabolic syndrome.
Type 2 diabetes.
Certain cancers, including colon, breast, and uterine cancers.
@ecco My $0.02.

Stop depending on gym access for your strength training, as you obviously lack regular access.

Transition to body weight exercises - calisthenics.
You can use accessories such as resistance bands to help diversify your exercises.

3 weeks of going to the gym, sandwiched between months of being sedentary, are useless.

To quote master Yoda - “Do or do not. There is no try”.
@dawn16 Cheers for the input!

I have definitely tried (sorry Yoda!) to create a habit of exercising, bodyweight core workouts, pushups and regular stretching while travelling.

I struggle to maintain this for any useful period of time though. A few days here and there when there's a burst of motivation.

I'm only sedentary in strength training terms. I'm quite active with general cardio, walking to get everywhere and such.

I like the idea of resistance bands though. Maybe I'll see if there's a store I can pick one up at nearby. They'd be lightweight enough to fit in my bag.
@dawn16 Hey! Thanks for the resistance band suggestion! I picked up a cheap one and use it nearly every day, generally feel like ive worked pretty hard afterwards and its great for core exercises which will hopefully sort my back pain out. Its way easier to motivate myself to use it compared to doing bodyweight exercises and much cheaper than the gym!!

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