To the short torsoed and short waisted people - what are the upsides/benefits? Can only spot disadvantages rn..


New member
Getting frustrated lately.

From various problems like:

o) heartburn when not sitting straight enough after eating + certain bras put pressure on my lower esophageal sphincter (abrathatfits), even more heartburn (especially with pants that are too tight)

o) cysts feel much bigger than they are and cause more pain than they would to someone with a balanced or long torso, as my gyn told me about the tiny cyst that caused me pain

o) long lined bras are a no-no...went hiking with one and had to take it off due to my ribs hurting and breathing problems

o) clothes used to be a tricky too, for not looking disproportionate but i got that sorted out

Got inspired from a post a few days ago about petites having it easier with deadlifting etc due to our short height. I try to look on the bright side but here i really struggle

Im a little desperate for finding benefits/upsides for having this kind of torso/waist. :/
@cog2013 I’ve never correlated it either.

In fact I got heart burn this morning just from coffee and I didn’t understand it.
But I just realized I’ve been drinking this coffee while laying on the couch. Man oh man.
@xdxaxvxex Legs look decent in shorts? Idk, I'm in the same boat. Not the heartburn or pain issues, but disproportionately longer legs make many exercises harder (squats, anything grabbing/touching toes), and short waist makes me look dumpy even when not overweight.