Too much sugar in my diet?


New member
I just finished my bulking cycle (is that hunger I'm starting to feel) using "if it fits your macros" as I've had the most success with that diet. One thing I noticed is since I can have 300 grams of carbs a day I eat a ton of sugar, around 100 grams a day, however, the sugar comes almost all from fruit. I love fruit.

I'm 39, 6 foot, 185lbs, leaning down to about 180, body fat is around 12% looking to get down to 10% with this cut. Had blood work done recently and everything came out good.

Is there a downside to this? from a purely scientific standpoint?
@corylsu Fruit sugar is certainly not refined sugar, but overall sugar is still sugar, no matter the source.

My oncologist highly reinforced me to drop all sugar I could from my diet when I had cancer. High sugar diets, even if you are just drinking orange juice in the morning, lead to faster spreading cancers and tumor growths.

There really isn't any reason to NOT try your best to limit sugars in your diet. Your body just gets nothing from sugar intake versus carbs, fats or proteins.