Tracking Macros (beyond protein/calories)


New member
For the purposes of weight training and gaining muscle, aside from tracking your calories to see if your in a deficit/surplus depending on your goals, and tracking your protein, does the ratio of your carbs/fats make any difference in terms of muscle growth/fat loss. E.G you need 2000 calories and 180g protein to achieve your goals, once you’ve hit that protein amount, does it matter if the rest of those calories come from carbs/fat?
@vantheman92176 Once you hit your protein and fat minimums... you can fill your calories with whatever macros you want. It's kinda individualized if more fat or more carb will feel better for you.

And you likely don't need 180g of protein. It's .8-1g per 1lb of lean body weight. So if you're overweight, pick a solidly healthy weight for your height and use that number.
@dinafrancis Thanks! More carbs feel better for me, I find as long as I hit the rough minimum of fats which isn’t hard for my weight I don’t need anymore. Just to be clear since both have commented on it, that 180g protein was just an example for the question, not my stats! I weigh roughly 178lbs and go for around 130g protein at the moment.
@vantheman92176 You need some fats for normal body functions and hormonal activity. Aim for 0.3 g / lbs, at minimum. Other than that, if you stay within your calorie target, the ratio won’t make much of a difference. Assuming your not going keto.

Needing 180 g of protein per day would mean you weighed in at 250+ lbs