Training styles of Geoffrey Verity Schofield and Natural Hypertrophy (Volume vs Intensity)

@jamierite74 I am hitting legs, chest, shoulders, arms, and back with 48 sets a week on average right now. I am hitting 24 per workout twice a week. It fits my goals and works for me.

Now I’m like you 6-15 extremely controlled, but squeezing and working with high intensity, but I’m doing no rest. I triple set and use my accessory set as a rest. My body did adjust from supersets to this. It takes time but the gains are worth it imo. I’m just trying to be shredded all the time. You will absolutely get in the flow eventually and just be able to keep pushing weight.

You’re very experienced, if ur getting results from what your doing stick with it. When that stops mb switch it up and go with higher volume. Higher volume absolutely helps me with problem areas. It’s also great for keeping the pump.

I think it’s just based off your goals imo. Bodybuilders who juice can do whatever they want and get the look. Do you want to be strong, do you want to be shredded, what’s the goal here? Is natties have to pick and choose most of the time.

Edit: hope I gave you some insight into another lifter who used to go big weight low volume and switched to high volume more recently. 🤷🏼‍♂️
@bettinacurtis I'm not him but if you find

natural hypertrophy and

Geoffrey v schofield useful you can checkout these other natty channels

bald omni man(strength and bodybuilding)

basement bodybuilding(pure bodybuilding)

enkiri elitefitness(athleticism,strength)

alex leonids(strength,bodybuilding,calisthenics)


fitnessfqa(calisthenics bodybuilding)

k boges(calisthenics)

ssd abel(bodybuilding podcasts )

brains and gains podcasts(the name say it all)

mario tomics(bodybuildng ,nutrition and getting leaner)

jeff nipard(strength bodybuilding)

team3d alpha(bodybuilding self-improvement )