Training to do multiple high-rep sets without dropping reps


New member
Most of the posts I have seen on high-reps mainly focus on doing a high number of reps across one set. They often mention Greasing the Groove (GtG) and Fighter Pullup Program. GtG focuses on one set with essentially unlimited rests. The Fighter Pullup Program uses descending ladders. I'm particularly interested in maintaining high-reps across multiple sets with little to moderate rests.

Goal: 5 sets and 20+ reps with 1.5-3 minute rests. Interleaving (supersets) pullups and dips.

Strategy: 5 sets of N reps with 1.5-3 minute rests. 3 days a week. The number of reps increases whenever I can complete the workout without dropping sets or reps.

Progress: I've been able to go from N=10 to 12 reps in around 3 months which I think is unusually slow.

What's wrong with my strategy? Is there a strategy where progress comes faster?
@petertohen > Progress: I've been able to go from N=10 to 12 reps in around 3 months which I think is unusually slow.

Your progress is not unusually slow. 5x20 pull ups is a lot of pull ups.
@darren927 Unless you are a gymnast that’s a tall order.

OP, the other approach you could try is take 30% of your max pull-ups and do them EMOM, trying to build up to thirty minutes. I only mention it to answer your question. Will it be any faster? Probably not, it will likely be a slower progression. It’s also a good idea to add some waviness into that plan like @vantai324 said. Say your max is 10. You’ll do 3 reps every minute until you can hit 30 minutes. Once you can hit that, retest your max reps, rinse and repeat.

Honestly though, I’d stick to what your doing. If you really want to break it up try a ladder of 2-3-5-10 a la world renowned strength coach Dan John. That gives you twenty reps. The first three rungs will be easy.
@learnandbloom Thank you! I'm thinking of incorporating EMOM on my rest days since it seems more cardio focused. Hopefully, I can find the right number of reps so it doesn't impact my high rep workout days too much.
@petertohen Someone posted this in another sub last night. I really like his blog but just got into it, so it’s always great to see people post his past write-ups. It’s loosely about running, but don’t let that fool you. It is a different type of EMOM work but should give you some fun ideas. With your pull-ups, don’t be afraid to try and periodize your training. A month off of high rep work where you do something like three burpees and three pull-ups EMOM and build it up to a decent time might be a nice break from grinding out reps.
Goal: 5 sets and 20+ reps with 1.5-3 minute rests. Interleaving (supersets) pullups and dips.

That sounds like a pretty difficult goal. Any particular reason that you chose it?

Strategy: 5 sets of N reps with 1.5-3 minute rests. 3 days a week. The number of reps increases whenever I can complete the workout without dropping sets or reps.

I think rather than pure endurance work, I would suggest adding some strength work. A day where you work on Weighted Pull-Ups since that would be specific towards this goal. The Weighted Pull-Ups will increase your maximal strength so that each Pull-Up you do is a LESS significant portion of your max abilities and the other endurance day would help you get the direct adaptations you need to handle the fatigue.
That sounds like a pretty difficult goal. Any particular reason that you chose it?

Thank you! There are multiple reasons but the primary one is to have solid fundamentals. Built into that are safety, consistency, and efficiency. Also, wouldn't it feel great if pullups were as natural and easy as breathing?

I think I'll add weights to one of my days.
@petertohen Use palm cooling. I put my hands on a bag of frozen peas with a teatowel in between to prevent too much cold. It will cook your core and muscles and keep reps higher through the workout. Average your reps per set and ramp them up every workout. I usually do between 10/15 sets like this and, if there is anything in the tank left, I push to extreme failure in the last 3 or so sets.

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