Transitioning from 6 days a weeks to 3-4


New member
Hey guys,

Just started my 9-5 so my free-time has been cut drastically. I was going to the gym about 6 times a week doing PPL split but now I am cutting it down to usually 3 lifting days and one cardio day since I need more time to pursue my other passion (music).

What split do you guys suggest I do for maximum hypertrophy? I feel like hitting each muscle group only once a week isn't enough when doing PPL. Thanks.
@lolalou There’s a few you could do.

Full body 3 times a week

Upper lower full body

You could do a upper lower split in a rotating pattern so Monday upper, Wednesday lower, Friday upper then the following week start with lower, Wednesday upper and Friday lower again and repeat that process.

I would personally go with the 3rd one so 1 I don’t get bored and 2 it would allow you to have a bit more rest and recovery for your muscles.
@romo I second the upper/lower/upper then vice versa following week for 3 days a week training. Sprinkle in Bi’s on lower days aka DC two way split. Great great split. Longevity, moderate frequency, moderate volume etc. I have used that split off and on over the past 20 years. Highly recommend. It has worked for me and many many others. For 4 days either upper lower or PPL push, pull, rest, lower/biceps, push following week pull, lower/triceps, rest, push, pull. Then lower, push, rest, pull, lower. Repeat. Would recommend any days in which you have pull and lower on consecutive days I would make that pull day more vertical based and any rowing supported. Save that lower back involvement since lower the next day. Just my two cents. Good luck
@lolalou The torso and Limbs split work well with 3-4 sessions per week. If you like the PPL split you can do it on a rotating schedule divided on four sessions per week
@lolalou I would do full body if I only had three days to train and do push pull if I had four. I know they say full body is only for beginners which I feel is bullshit. I’ve been training for 20 years and when I was on deployment I did full body 3x a week for 8 months and saw great changes in body composition. It’s all about what you can recover from the best and how it fits into your lifestyle.
@lolalou Just do the same program but 3 days a week instead of 6. You can probably increase the intensity a bit or the volume to make up for the lower frequency but just play it by ear. You might find you actually perform better than on the 6 day.

I feel like

Just stop with that thinking. Try it before you knock it.
@bobwhite That's not good advice. He's doing PPL. That's a great way to work out over 6 days, and a pretty bad way to workout over 3 days.

He doesn't need to waste months trying it to understand the obvious.
@bobwhite That was my first structured power building split back in the mid 90’s. Got strong, recovered, never hurt etc. It works and has worked for many over the years including myself back in the day. Are there better ways to train, maybe or worst ways to train, maybe.
@jess1 Nah, because it's structured around 6 days a week. If you do it less than that, you won't be hitting some muscles 2x/week. At that point it's better to run a different program.
@thebelovedofgod Nothing magical after hitting a muscle two days a week. PPL isn’t structured around six days a week, it’s just a split that some people do it six days a week. Lots of people do it 3-5 days a week.
@jess1 There's also nothing magical about getting close to failure, eating your protein, or getting good quality sleep - it's just good practice if you want the most out of your training.

People do 3-5 day PPL because it's a super easy template, not because it's good (and anything that minimizes leg work tends to be popular).
@thebelovedofgod In your opinion it’s good practice. Your opinion doesn’t make it a fact. Lots of people find they do better training fewer days. I progress faster training a muscle around 1.5 times a week.