Treadmill workout


New member
Hi ladies! I used to hate cardio but I've recently really started enjoying it. A friend dragged me to Barry's Bootcamp and I gotta say I loved it! I loved it so much that I googled an imitation Barry's workout online and found this:
I'm obsessed! It's my favorite thing to do and I do it a few times a week now with my own tweaks (I had to bring it down a bit. I'm scared to go over an 8.5 when sprinting) Anyway, just thought I'd share! Anyone else have any great cardio workouts to share?

here it is with my tweaks (jog is usually 5-5.5 and run is 7.5-8):
0-3 min warmup walk
3-4 min jog (5.5)
4-5 min jog w incline (10)
5-6 min jog no incline
6-7 min jog faster (6) w incline (7)
7-8 min jog w no incline (5)
8-8:30 min run (7) at incline (4)
8:30-9:30 min walk
9:30-10:30 jog
10:30-11:30 run (7.5)
11:30-12:15 walk
12:15-13 min run (8)
13-13:30 min walk
13:30-14 min run hard (8.5?)
14-15 min walk
15-16 min jog 5.5
16-17 min jog 6.5
17-18 min jog 7
18-19 min jog 7.5
19-20 walk
20-20:30 min jog incline 6
20:30-21 min jog no incline
21-21:30 min sprint
21:30-22 min walk
22-22:30 min jog incline 7
22:30-23 min jog no incline
23-23:30 min sprint
24:30-25 min walk
25-28 min jog
28-30 min walk

Oh and really loud music blasting in my headphones always helps!
@southerner117 I dig brisk-walking on incline treadmill.

Here's a 1-hour routine I devised:

(this is for 10-minute blocks, no rest)

13° @ 3.2 mph

9° @ 3.8 mph

14° @ 3.2 mph

10° @ 3.8 mph

15° @ 3.2 mph

11° @ 3.8 mph

I'm hoping at least one person tries this and tells me what they think~
@mlenadc I'm a really big fan of inclined treadmill walking, although I'm not NEARLY as brisk! At 15deg I'll do a slower pace (2 mph) for 2 min, faster pace (2.5 mph) for 2 min, then walking lunges at 1 mph. Holy hell does it get my heart rate up. I'm working on picking up the speed!
@mlenadc I'll try this this week!

Been incline walking on a treadmill since I injured my tendon climbing and needed something to do so I don't go stir-crazy, but it's boring at 15 degrees at 3-3.2mph for like half an hour, and then a two mile ish run after.