Triceps tendonitis/tendopathy for over 1,5yrs

@jonojim1337 Rest is essentially worthless for tendinopathy, it just comes back when you resume activity. I’ve healed my triceps tendinopathy in both elbows by doing the eccentric portion of a tricep pressdown. Grab the cable with one hand, push down with two and slowly let the weight back up with one. Do 3-4 sets of 10-15 reps every single time you go to the gym. Other than that, just stay away from things that cause the pain to flare up. It might take a while for it to heal and you might notice pain as you increase intensity but that’s just how tendinopathy goes.
@alodiafaye Seconding this. I have Achilles tendinopathy right now for the first time, and doing eccentric exercises has mitigated the pain by a ton. While it’s said that the issue can last anywhere between weeks to months, I suspect my recovery will be close to a month; though I’d prefer less.

If you rest and do nothing, your tendinopathy will get accustomed to that—if you resume, it will hurt again. Take it easy and ease your way back in. After all, it was injured due to overtraining, so don’t overtrain it.
@jonojim1337 Tendonitis is handled by train, it wont go away without. (Like most other pain) but you probably need to lower volume and/or intensity untill your capacity increase.
@jcreigns Pain free movement and building up from there is the only way in the long term and in the short you need to rest, cool and heal.

And make sure to fix any issues that caused it.
@jonojim1337 Not training triceps is actually not smart to do. Tendons do adapt to stimuli. So they will become stronger over time. But since you said you train pretty heavy, I would lighten the load and just do higher reps

How does your tricep regiment look like? Also how many sets do u do per week of triceps? Are some tricep exercises painfree or do they all provoke some level of pain?

Maybe your volume is too high. How many sets do u perform per week?
@jonojim1337 Don't be like me, I have this issue since 3 years now.
I tried a lot of stuff, including taking a break (lockdown...), but it never healed off - until I found out what causes it for me: Deadlifts. I know, I know. Deadlifts & triceps, wtf?
Hear me out: The impact of the barbell drop after every rep on the eccentric causes so ever tiny fractures wherever, leading to the pain for me.
I've dropped DLs and moved all DL sessions to RDLs, and it's getting better, I can even do overhead tricep extensions again with 5kg high reps. I couldn't do them for years.
@jonojim1337 Interesting that this just came up - I've had a lot of experience dealing with this in my elbows, "golfers" and "tennis", double whammy. The first time I encountered this it started with both elbows as a deep ache on both sides that turned quite painful doing most pulls. I pushed through, used Cobra grips or straps, avoided isolation types stuff like curls, but kept doing compounds. It got worse, so started using elbow wraps and tennis elbow straps. That seemed to help, but it wasn't going away. Next step was "flossing" using voodoo bands, which seemed to provide a lot of temporary relief.

Anyhow, took TWO YEARS before it finally resolved. Well, last week the pain started again in my inner elbow, left arm (golfers elbow), not serious yet - but I recognize the pain. So, this time around I'm going to take a week or two off before it advances - it's time to deload anyhow. It's been four days since my last day in the gym and the pain is already down to about 20% - so fingers crossed.