Triceps tendonitis/tendopathy for over 1,5yrs

@jonojim1337 I did the eccentric portion of the tricep pushdown with a band a few times a day while continuing with my normal workout routine. It took a few months but eventually it went away.
@jonojim1337 I met a high level powerlifter/bodybuilder and asked about elbow pain and they said they have had it over 20 years. So with that tidbit I discerned that I should expect it, but try to minimize it. One thing I've seen happen with new trainees most frequently is that it's hand/elbow position when squatting more than upper body work.
@jonojim1337 Find any tricep exercise (and/or rep range) you can do without pain and only do that for at least a month or two. If you can't do any then you need to stop training triceps for that period altogether.
@jonojim1337 I broke and dislocated my elbow which has given me pretty bad tendonitis over the years. For me the best thing is to just use a compression sleeve over your elbow. That has helped a lot. I still can't really do as much triceps as I would like to because of it