trying to do pushups


New member

today i was doing pushups after 4 day gap because last time i did 8 pushups and then cant do any more, i was tired, today i did 9 pushups and 10 knee pushups, how can i improve my normal pushups, and plz tell me why do my body takes so much time to be normal again, btw i am 5'6 82kg 17M.​

@ilovejewsus When you first exercise, it can take 2-3 weeks to start getting use to any new exercise. Just do each exercise regularly 2-3 times a week (2/week when you life heavier weights). You will slowly get better. Consistency is key.

For pushups, you can also work on easier dips on the couch (later, body weight dips as you get stronger) to help your pushups. You can also do both wide grip and narrow grip pushups to vary what muscle fibers you work on. Also decline pushups.
@ilovejewsus That's great. I read a post for a guy whose girlfriend did 130 in a competition. So yesterday I pushed myself and did 130 also. Great progress for both of us. 👍

Keep up the consistency.
@ilovejewsus You can always train the same muscles without push ups. Benchpress and dips would translate into more strength in the same muscle group. Or Chest flys and overhead extensions etc.

How close are your hands? I am an "arm boy" and do most of my push ups with my triceps, moving to a wider grip makes the exercise much harder and I lose something like 10 reps per set.

Outside of that just do more push ups 💪

Edit: You're also quite heavy for your length, so one "dumb way" to increase the amount of push ups would be losing weight. I'd say don't stress the NUMBERS of push ups you're doing, stick with proper form and you'll get stronger in no time.
@ilovejewsus Something I’ve been doing is Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays while at work is 20 pushups on the hour every hour. You could do something similar where you pick a timeframe of let’s say 8 hours and do 8 pushups every hour. You will see huge improvements within a month and as they get easier, add more reps or change the type of pushups you’re doing.

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