Unexplained weight gain

@beryybverry A true plateau is 4 to 6 weeks of no gain or loss. And . 2 is not a gain that's just normal fluctuations. Weight loss is never, ever linear. Stay the course
@beryybverry When working at my old job, I was running around 8-10 hours a day. I also did omad because it was just too busy.
I lost weight in a few months and was happy where I was at. I started tracking the scale every day or every other just to average out where I'm at.
If I splurged out on the weekend, say having pizza or ice cream as a treat...the scale would go up 6lbs. During the week, id eat clean again, and in 3 days, it was back to 6lbs less and then some on certain days.
Hormones during your cycle definitely play a role too.
But I'd say to keep up with what you're doing because it could just be temporary.
@beryybverry Get a BCA or a DEXA done. The number on the scale doesn’t say much. If you are new to strength training, you can put on muscle quickly, especially in the first few months. I’m guessing this climbing number is muscle. It could also be water retention from working out or eating salty foods or menstruation cycle related as the first comment points out. Get your body composition done if you have a BCA machine in your gym or a nearby health centre. Keep checking once a month for progress.

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