Unmotivated mess


New member

So I have been extremely unmotivated since 2020 to do any exercise, I used to run years ago but now I barely even do a small walk. Any ideas or apps even if its just for walking. Just finding very little motivation to get up and move so any apps suggestions would be v helpful!

p.s i love apps that have guided walks/runs but dunno what ones are good
@favouronum Just gotta do it bro, we can't motivate you to do anything. Somewhere within yourself you have to find the motivation again, maybe get a jarring health check up, or told you have diabetes.
@bbrown1 I know, I completely agree! Thats actually a good idea lol probably best to get moving before getting anything! I agree tho for sure motivation instills within. I think with like guided walking apps or whatever helps distracts me and focus on moving dat bod