[Upper/Lower split] Feedback on workout plan. What would you change?


New member
Hello all. I've tried to make this post as convenient for you to read as possible.
I've been doing the RR for the past 7-8 months after not training for a few years and find it exhausting to a point where I can't do exercises with proper form and intensity. So I've been experimenting with Upper-Lower split for the past few weeks. I would really appreciate any input from the community. Literally any advice is more than welcome!

Stats: 24M, 190cm (6'3"), 98kg (216lbs)

Goals: Health, strength and hypertrophy (in this order)

Schedule: URLRRUR / LRURRLR. I think about adding a cardio on the free weekend.

Timing: 90sec rest between X1 and X2, 90sec-2min rest between pairs

Extras: I have herniated disks and scoliosis, so I don't include stuff like weighted squats or RDL, don't wanna risk it.


I have 2 Upper trainings because (1) I want some variation (2) I find it hard to do both weighted dips and weighted pull-ups in one session.

Upper 1:

Warmup + Skill: HSPU/HS progression

A1: [Chest/Triceps] Weighted dips, 3x8

A2: [Back] Pull-up, 3x10

B1: [Shoulders] Pike push-up, 3x8

B2: [Back] Archer Rows, 3x10

C1: [Biceps Bodyweight biceps Curl (TRX / Rings), 3x10

C2: [Triceps] Triceps-focused push-ups (Diamond or just narrow grip), 3x10

D: [Abs] Crunches + Russian twists Superset, 3x15


Warmup + Skill: L-sit progression, very basic level

A1: [Legs, compound] Pistol-squat progression from RR, 3x8

A2: [Hamstrings] Nordic curls, 3x8
B1: [Legs, compond] Weighted bulgarian split squats, 3x8

B2: [Calves] Calf raises, 3x10

C1: [Lower back] Weighted back extensions, 3x15

C2: [Abs] Hanging leg raises, 3x12

D: Bridge, stretching

Upper 2:

(Similar to Upper 1 except A1, A2, C2)

Warmup + Skill: HSPU/HS progression

A1: [Chest/Triceps] Ring dips, 3x8

A2: [Back] Weighted pull-up, 3x8

B1: [Shoulders] Pike push-up, 3x8

B2: [Back] Archer Rows, 3x10

C1: [Biceps] Bodyweight biceps Curl (TRX / Rings), 3x10

C2: [Chest/Triceps] Ring push-up, 3x8

D: [Abs] Crunches + Russian twists Superset, 3x15
@ro1245 I would recommend two upper and two lower sessions per week. You’re losing a lot of weekly volume by not doing a 2x/week frequency.

Aside from that make sure you are progressing your exercises and / or reps or sets to continue with progressive overload.

You could cut the D section if you want to save time as there is a lot of indirect ab work from the compound movements.