Upper/lower split volume

@rootsrockreggae Where did you get this split from? Looks a bit much I think. Squat/DL and Bench/OHP in the same day is not how I'd program this since those 4 lifts can be spread over the 4 days.

Look how simple this one is, you could probably even add a bit too it but I think the default minimal of 3 lifts per day is better than what you have.


If you want something with a lot of lifts even this is better, more exercises but better planned out, can swap out anything you feel is equivalent too. Note that the big lifts only have 1-2 sets but you'll actually do more because of all the warmup sets needed. If you do like 5 work sets on bench press you'd need to cut other stuff in the workout.

@rootsrockreggae A good rule of thumb for figuring out if you're doing too much volume is taking a look at your logbook. Are you beating the logbook session to session? No?

It's inevitable that you're gonna hit plateaus. But if you are having trouble progressing, you might be doing too much on some of your days.

My RDL 3 weeks ago, 2 weeks ago was regressing I think because I had RDLs as my last exercise on Lower B. I was probably too exhausted by the time I got to RDLs.

I did RDLs as my lead last Friday and as my second exercise yesterday after squats and holy shit I'm smashing PRs. Am I getting stronger or was I just doing too much before?
@rootsrockreggae I'm using a paid 4 day upper/lower split from a YouTube influencer/personal trainer so I can't share the details since its proprietary. Though I've added in some additional volume against his recommendations (I have since lowered the volume I was doing because I feel it was impacting my lifts). You can probably find a lower volume 4-day upper/lower online somewhere. You could even ask ChatGPT to program you a 4-day upper/lower. But you have to use some common sense (which is not common for a novice who has no experience with programming). ChatGPT is lacking in some common sense. But you could use whatever ChatGPT spits out as a basic skeleton for programming.

Basically you're going to want to hit shoulders, chest, triceps, biceps, back, quads, glutes, hamstrings and calves twice a week. But you don't have to do isos for everything twice a week. Especially not as a novice. And don't get into the Instagram rabbit hole minutiae of "you need to hit the long head, the lateral head, the medial head, the short head twice a week." That shit you see on Instagram will drive you absolutely crazy. You're not a IFBB Pro. You can't just live in the gym.

I'm not saying to Mike Mentzer-maxx or even to Dorian Yates-maxx (though his routine seems far more legitimate than Mentzer). But the current trend of excessive volume, especially with PPL splits, is too much. Mike Mentzer once told one of his clients "get 20" arms first before you worry about the details like the lower inner third of your bicep." It's funny how the things that Mike Mentzer was roasting people for 40+ years ago is still relevant if not more relevant today.

I have FOMO too. I understand. Sometimes I look at my Google stop watch and look at the time and number of sets (granted I do a lot of unilateral work) I've been doing and I'm like "bruh, I've been in this gym way too long."
@asperd If you're having problems progressing you might also just be doing too little. It's not a good rule of thumb to assume youd have to lower it imo