Vegan and 100+ G protein daily without protein powder?


New member
Is this even possible? I would like to be more plant based and protein forward, but I don’t know how I’d get in 100g protein without meat and dairy. I don’t want to rely on protein powder because I’d really like to have all my calories as real food. Does anyone do this?

Alternately, are there any protein powder enhanced meals that are really filling and satisfying but not high calorie? TIA!
@whitab Tofu and tempeh are my #1 source of protein. One block of firm tofu has 32-40 grams of protein.

Lentils are a good source of protein and also a good source of fiber. Also lentil curries are freaking amazing.

My favorite: chickpeas! Half a cup is like 6g of protein. It’s the most versatile bean imo.

I also recommend hemp seeds and chia seeds. I sprinkle hemp seeds to almost anything because it doesn’t really have a taste. You can add chia to your oatmeal or baked goods. You can also make chia pudding. If you like smoothies, you can add both seeds to it and soy milk (1 cup is 7g).
@whitab Added protein powder to oats or smoothies means your upping your protein and still getting a meal in it. Protein powder is still real food just a quick way to get more protein in.