Vegan youtubers for entertainment


New member
Any recommendations for youtubers that make ENTERTAINING vegan fitness videos, NOT educational or inspo?

I already have a few inspo+ educational youtubers that I enjoy watching, but I’m looking for some that do challenges and stuff like that.

Non-vegan examples of people I used to enjoy watching:Will Tennyson and Keltie O’connor.

I’d still watch them if they didn’t make stupid jokes against veganism every once in a while+ say shit like mEaT gAnG like tf no, it rlly annoys me

So if you have any suggestions for vegan fitness youtubers that make challenge videos similar to theirs pls lemme know
@showtime2507 I met Nimai recently in person and was also hanging out at the same time, with someone on PEDs. Their body compositions are vastly different. Nimai does not do PEDs. And with the amount of lifting Nimai does, he would be kinda absurdly big if he did do PEDs. He's got a great figure but it's nowhere near as big, bulky, or shredded as someone who does PEDs and works out as much as him.
@yakuda Someone doesn't take anabolic steroids over the top of a genetic blank slate, though. Two people can definitely do the exact same thing and look completely different. People who do this don't necessarily take the drugs non-stop, either (in fact, doing so is probably uncommon)
@de_maria That’s true, but assuming someone who is in shape as being on steroids is just biased and presumptuous. There are clearly a lot of fit people who don’t use PEDs who are vegan. I would also state that while I don’t think PEDs are for me, I know it’s kinda shitty to assume every fit person is using. Especially in the vegan community; the world is already kinda shitty, we don’t need to accuse fellow vegans of stuff unless we have proof.
@4gzus ugh will tennyson is so funny and you'd think that someone who grew up with such weird strict family eating habits would be a bit more understanding of vegan people
@rdijkman Exactly, idk for some reason I thought he was at least supportive of vegans?But then he called us a cult so that theory goes down the drain lol
@rdijkman Honestly I wouldn’t mind it personally, but I can’t stand the thought of so many ppl watching and being like “Yeahhh those vegoons are a cult!!!Gimme mah meat!!!”, it just encourages them and imo that’s the worst part😭

And then if I go and watch his videos, I’m giving him more support and exposure to influence more people
@4gzus Brian Turner for food and lifts, Vegan Gains for brutalitttttė, and SummerFunFitness/Bianca Taylor/BLKANDVEGAN/thatveganbabe cuz woman.

Mic is very longwinded, but dude has cited my parents studies on veganism, so he’s a win in my book.

Not really a fan of Nimai; if you cheat on ‘ianca, i ain’t bout it at alllllll 🤷‍♂️ also bro’s like 4 ft 2 irl 👏