Vitamin Suggestion


New member
Hello! Looking for a multivitamin that has all the essentials that can be difficult to find in plant based food. I found a few that have the 7 essentials, but that’s all, so I’m looking for something that has a more complete profile…. Then on the other hand, I should be getting plenty of all the other vitamins if I’m eating healthy plant based diet? Thank you in advance for your suggestions!
@solo712 Honestly, just eat a good WFPB diet and supplement with B12, D3 and eat Nori regularly. You'll be fine.dr Greger has supplement recommendations based on age and life stage here.
@solo712 You really should be getting the majority of your nutrients from food. I currently am taking the supplement you linked to because it gives me what is difficult to get from a vegan diet. It’s also more affordable than a similar product (Complement).

If you are eating a non-junk food vegan diet (plenty of beans and other protein sources, vegetables, fruit, nuts, whole grains, healthy fats, etc.) I don’t think a multivitamin is necessary.
@solo712 I eat kale, spinach, blueberries, strawberries, and a banana everyday (not like all at once but in stuff) and that plus my normal diet nets me everything I need really. I get b12 from nooch, and I take a d3 as well. unless you have some medical issue, you should really try getting vitamins from your diet