Want to lose weight but not sure where to start


New member
I'm a 29 yr/o 315LB 6'2'' Male that really just wants to drop weight and get back into a healthy target zone I have tried dieting and exercise, Healthy eating and changing my eating habits.

I feel like I've tried it all and I have no idea where else to turn but here. Do any of you guys have some advice that might help out?
@suzanne126 Nothing but water/carbonated water for thirst purposes, no fast food or candy.

Walking/ bike riding for 2-3 weeks as much as you can, the body will adjust and start to crave exercise. Now with muscle tone you can pick up something else without any ill after affects, like running or a sport.

The big one is not drinking your calories unless on purpose
@itry56 True, avoiding sugary beverages (soda, juice, chocolate milk, coffee drinks etc) is the easiest way to reduce calories. Don't buy it, don't keep it at home, don't get it in restaurants/on the road.
Honestly didn't realize juice was all that bad already cut down soda's pretty much I have one once in a while (like every other week)