weight loss advice


New member
I’m 5’5” 150lbs and I have been trying for a couple weeks to lose weight, i have been on a calorie deficit of 1300 and i only see my weight go down like 2 pounds but keeps coming right back up. i keep bouncing around between 148-151. i work out regularly and eat decently clean. it’s super discouraging because i have been giving it my all in the gym and also dedicating a lot of my time of day to meal planning and prepping. is there anything i could maybe look out for and improve on?
@tasha0921 Get your thyroid hormones tested. If you have hypothyroidism you're not aware of, it's practically impossible to lose weight without proper medication
@tasha0921 Hi, how are you? I understand that kind of situation, I’ve been there and done that all of that until I change my diet, diet is crucial and eat the right food
@tasha0921 Weight loss will never be linear. It comes in waves. Think of it as two steps forward, and one step back. There's always things that will cause your weight to fluctuate like hormones, sodium, etc.. Just keep doing what you're doing, get plenty of water, and weigh yourself the same time in the morning weekly.

As long as you follow the process, you will get results. Start taking body measurements as well, as weight along doesn't tell the whole story, especially if you're also strength training.