Proud at my 4-month weight loss result:
Source data sheet (= everything I ate in the last 4 months, Dutch people will recognize the products haha):
Some notes/tips:
EDIT - adding workout routine details:
- Weight loss: 81,2 to 74,7 kg (- 6,5 kg)
- Age: 30
- Height: 188 cm
- Calisthenics: 3-4/week
- Cardio: 1-2/week
Source data sheet (= everything I ate in the last 4 months, Dutch people will recognize the products haha):
Some notes/tips:
- I use 7-day average kcal data to get way more flexible in what/when I eat. Master those compensation tactics! So you can eat shit food and drink alcohol whenever the occasion presents itself.
- I created a custom kcal sheet because I think it's more accurate than diet apps and and takes me less time to use (formatted for easy mobile use). The columns can collapse so I can see detailed daily kcal and macros if I want to.
- Besides skipping breakfast for coffee I did not do any fancy diet - I just ate what I like and made sure it was satiating and full of protein.
- I got in 3 weeks of below 2000 kcal a day (750-950 kcal deficit), those were tough but felt rewarding!
- Cleaning up my muscle ups
- Progressing from bent arm stands to handstand push ups
- Holding 45 degree human flags
EDIT - adding workout routine details:
- In these 4 months I mainly went to an outdoor calisthenics park with friends in the evening. That's the best 'routine' I can recommend to anyone: combine working out with hanging out.
- I bring resistance bands, a weight belt, kettlebells, rings, and parallettes to the park.
- Warm up: I ALWAYS do the recommended routine warm up of this subreddit.
- Then I decide if I go pull, push, legs, core or a combination of those, depending on what I did earlier that week, the state of my body, time available, what my friends do, etc. I like to be flexible in this.
- I picked exercises I want to progress on on-the-go from this sheet and I keep track of progressions:
- Muscle ups and handstand push ups were my main skill goals - I always start with training those. Followed by some weighted work using kettlebells, then bodyweight work, then finishing up with human flags and/or basic mobility work.
- For cardio I mainly did running: trying to get faster at 3.3km (1 round of Vondelpark in Amsterdam).
- I pickup up bouldering in september, doing that once every 1-2 weeks now.
- In the coming winter period I go to the gym but I will keep doing calisthenics - currently programming a new routine/exercises for solo morning sessions before work.