Weight loss over 4 months (age 30 / 188 cm / 74,7 kg) - Pics and data!


New member
Proud at my 4-month weight loss result:
  • Weight loss: 81,2 to 74,7 kg (- 6,5 kg)
  • Age: 30
  • Height: 188 cm
  • Calisthenics: 3-4/week
  • Cardio: 1-2/week
Why I did it? Increase relative strength for calisthenics and to look better.

Source data sheet (= everything I ate in the last 4 months, Dutch people will recognize the products haha): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ulJYDpk2gH5sneYKhncfnRBt-Dl0_LUOPNDs3wMIk6s/edit?usp=sharing

Some notes/tips:
  • I use 7-day average kcal data to get way more flexible in what/when I eat. Master those compensation tactics! So you can eat shit food and drink alcohol whenever the occasion presents itself.
  • I created a custom kcal sheet because I think it's more accurate than diet apps and and takes me less time to use (formatted for easy mobile use). The columns can collapse so I can see detailed daily kcal and macros if I want to.
  • Besides skipping breakfast for coffee I did not do any fancy diet - I just ate what I like and made sure it was satiating and full of protein.
  • I got in 3 weeks of below 2000 kcal a day (750-950 kcal deficit), those were tough but felt rewarding!
Calisthenics level:
  • Cleaning up my muscle ups
  • Progressing from bent arm stands to handstand push ups
  • Holding 45 degree human flags
Strength progress was slow during weight loss so I can't wait to eat on/above maintenance again in the coming months and unlock those super strict muscle ups and handstand push ups!

EDIT - adding workout routine details:
  • In these 4 months I mainly went to an outdoor calisthenics park with friends in the evening. That's the best 'routine' I can recommend to anyone: combine working out with hanging out.
  • I bring resistance bands, a weight belt, kettlebells, rings, and parallettes to the park.
  • Warm up: I ALWAYS do the recommended routine warm up of this subreddit.
  • Then I decide if I go pull, push, legs, core or a combination of those, depending on what I did earlier that week, the state of my body, time available, what my friends do, etc. I like to be flexible in this.
  • I picked exercises I want to progress on on-the-go from this sheet and I keep track of progressions:
  • Muscle ups and handstand push ups were my main skill goals - I always start with training those. Followed by some weighted work using kettlebells, then bodyweight work, then finishing up with human flags and/or basic mobility work.
  • For cardio I mainly did running: trying to get faster at 3.3km (1 round of Vondelpark in Amsterdam).
  • I pickup up bouldering in september, doing that once every 1-2 weeks now.
  • In the coming winter period I go to the gym but I will keep doing calisthenics - currently programming a new routine/exercises for solo morning sessions before work.
@xlembonis Looking real good bro!! You sure as hell got much leaner. Question: didn't you want to get lean before the summer? So you could flex your body on the beach lmao

Oh ja en wel lekker de Albert Heijn gesponsord in al die maanden
@fskiddles Haha well I tried to cut earlier this year but I f'd up by overeating all my lost weight back in a matter of 2 weeks when I stopped counting calories. Was a good learning experience for sure haha.

Appie om de hoek natuurlijk :D
@romans1013 I do the warm up of this subreddit recommended routine for prehab. Diet was quite variable, preferring satiating and high protein food. Common was whole wheat bread with eggs and cheese for lunch, chicken and loads of veggies for dinner, low fat greek yoghurt with honey for desert, and lots of pre- and post workout bananas.
@xlembonis Very nice and shows its not complicated.

Going on a week to week basis is much better than day to day as you dont have to worry if you eat alot one day or too little one day