What’s been your biggest barrier?

@thebrittschmitt I have an old injury in my back and my ankle is kinda dumb sometimes. Not really enough pain to really hold me back in the gym but sometimes if I wake up with an aching back it makes it hard to get excited about going to exercise
@thebrittschmitt Injury and therefore cockiness. I wanted too much too fast. Don't get me wrong, I am still going strong after 20 months and have clocked in way over 365 gym visits, but what always sets me back are injuries. I so far had a pulled muscle in my abdomen, an inflamed biceps tendon, a very badly pinched nerve in my lower spine which put me in a wheelchair for some days and some other minor things.

But when I am injured, its like I timewarp back to when I was a slob and I immedietaly whip out ALL of my former bad habits. That is kinda shitty.
@thebrittschmitt I've had many challenges, but not viewing them as barriers.has helped me overcome them. also gratefulness, since there are billions of.other people that have had it worse than me, even at my lowest points (and they've been really low by anyone's standards)
@thebrittschmitt My biggest hurdle was getting started each time - I’m by no means anywhere beyond beginner fitness (I ride indoor bike everyday, push-ups/sit-ups everyday, and some light dumbbell work every other day) but two huge things that helped me stay consistent:
  1. Switching from running to indoor biking. I like so many others HATE running, and on the bike it’s easier to distract myself (I’m typing this comment while pedaling) and not dread doing it.
  2. This is kind of a cop out answer, but all the posts you see that say something along the lines of “discipline is what keeps you going when motivation fails” are true. If you’re like me, then forcing yourself to exercise even if you don’t want to for a week or two will make it so you start feeling guilty when you skip a day.
Good luck!
@thebrittschmitt Tiredness and a lack of the 'gym high' others seem to get.

I work 8.30 to 5 (but realistically it's more like 6) and absolutely do not have the energy to do a gym session after work. I know, I know, other people manage to do it fine so perhaps I am just lazy, but man does it take a lot to force myself to go when that tired.

I also never feel good after the gym. I am pretty much permanently nauseous 24/7 anyway, but even moderate working out just makes me need to puke.

I have never once felt good after going, and I dearly wish I could enjoy it like some people do!
@thebrittschmitt Unrealistic expectations

Not from my own thoughts and delusions, even though im one hell of a delusional teen. But the judgement of others breaks you down, take an example of gym progress, as much progress i make as a natty bodybuilder (i dont even take protein powder) some random 15 year old who consums like 5 barrels of supliments a month will make some destructive comments about the way i look, all those influences social media feeds the brains of tge young from Unrealistic expectations is really sad, it reached the point that if u want to post something u have to be the litteral best top 1 in the world at it or they will flame the shit out of u just because someone else is better. This really makes me loose motivation
@thebrittschmitt Complete lack of motivation.

I'm at a complete loss, even the thought of getting up to do any exercise tires me. But I really want to get fitter because I'm not even exaggerating when I say my fitness level is zero.

Any advice?