What’s next after finishing GZCLP program?


New member
For context: I am a nearly 16-year-old male, 5’9", weighing around 168lbs. I've been hitting the gym for a year and nine months, but my progress suffered due to frequent program changes, poor nutrition, and possibly other factors. Currently, I'm in the 10th week of the GZCLP program, which I've found effective in increasing my gym weights. While I haven't seen significant improvements in my body shape, I understand it's only been 10 weeks, and the program doesn't solely focus on hypertrophy.

Despite my positive experience, I'm considering a change for several reasons:
  1. Injuries: I've experienced multiple injuries with this program, mostly due to my actions. However, I want to shift away from Power Building to a program centered entirely on hypertrophy to reduce the risk of injuries caused by low-rep high-weight exercises.
  2. Everyday is a leg day: Dealing with legs daily is taxing, especially considering the need for two consecutive days without proper rest, along with my twice-a-week basketball training.
  3. Variation: The program feels a bit boring, with the same exercises every two days in a week. I'm looking for more variety.
  4. Not all muscles are worked/isolated: I want to incorporate isolation exercises, particularly for arms, as certain muscles like calves and traps feel neglected.
  5. Want to return to 6-12 reps: 15-25 reps feels like cardio, when 3 reps aren’t too stressing but except on joints.
While I appreciate aspects of the GZCLP program, such as the progression system, I'm seeking a program with more variety, a focus on hypertrophy (Body Building), reduced joint stress, increased isolation exercises, and still maintaining a 4-day-a-week training schedule.

I believe GZCLP (or power building in general) isn't aligning with my preferred training style, goals, and lifestyle. What programs do you recommend trying next?

** Don’t mind this extra formal or weird way of writing because I used AI to fix grammar mistakes and explain better.
However, I want to shift away from Power Building to a program centered entirely on hypertrophy to reduce the risk of injuries caused by high-volume exercises.

???... But hypertrophy training is typically higher volume?

15-25 reps feels like cardio, when 3 reps aren’t too stressing but except on joints.

15-25 reps isn't cardio, it's still triggering hypertrophy.

Were you still doing 5x3+ on the T1 movements? Or have you dropped down to 6x2+ or 10x1+?

I believe GZCLP (or power building in general) isn't aligning with my preferred training style, goals, and lifestyle. What programs do you recommend trying next?

If your goal is muscle building (hypertrophy training), then I honestly believe you should continue GZCLP for at least another 16 weeks "if your primary goal is strength training and/or muscle building, switch your routine to either 5/3/1 for Beginners or GZCLP and stick with this for at least 6 months."(https://thefitness.wiki/adding-physical-activity/).

But if you're adamant that it doesn't suit your lifestyle and you'd rather something more bodybuilderish, you can always run deep water which is also in the recommended routines.
@dawn16 I used “volume” in the wrong place, meant low-rep high-weight by that.

15-25 reps FEELS like cardio, didn’t mean that it’s not triggering hypertrophy, but want to focus more on 6-12 reps per set.

Yeah, I was still doing 5 sets of 3+ reps.

Will search about those programs you mentioned, thanks