What’s the vegan equivalent of the “chicken, broccoli, and rice” meal for the vegan crowd?


New member
I’m just at the point in my vegetarian journey where animal protein is getting really uncomfortable to eat and it’s been awesome seeing some of the gains y’all have made with totally vegan diets! I’d love to learn some more about your go to plant based meals that get you through intense workouts.

Edit: A lot of you are saying tofu, but not how you prepare it. How are y’all cooking your tofu?
@lavendar I got some Anthony's vital wheat gluten from Amazon, 4lbs for $20. Or I like Upton Naturals seitan if I'm buying pre-packaged.

I'd be interested to hear about more options too.
@styrmir I had just run across Brian Turner's seitan recipe a while ago on YouTube.

It's pretty simple, and for me, a dude who as an omni bought more cheap delivery pizza than anyone he knows, simple is really good.
@justiceforgod There are a lot of different methods, but typically you boil your vital wheat gluten dough for 45-60 minutes, then cook roughly the same as you would a meat. Not all mixtures are the same though. Depending on the meat we're imitating, my girlfriend sometimes mixes in chickpea flour, tofu, or jackfruit. Seitan is really versatile but there is a bit of a learning curve.
@jodiw I don't get cravings for specific foods, and I can eat the same thing every day and not get tired of it. Might be because my brain is broken, but it sure is convenient.
@jjsbergy I can eat the same stuff all the time as well, my wife however won't even eat leftovers. It's occasionally a point of contention when she wants me to make food. God forbid I start the rice cooker lol.