What’s wrong with my diet? Doing about 6 to 8 Wods per week, losing power and motivation! (Sleep 7 to 8 hours daily)


New member
Morning nice people from reddit, I was wandering if you may be able to find my fault:
10 egg whites
2 big pieces of bacon
2 guacamole table spoons
1 scoop of Xtend aminos
4 NO2 black pills
1 testo fuel
2 multi
2 mineral multi

Protein Shake
2 scoops, gold standard
cup of strawberries
1 banana
handfull of almonds

250grs protein
Cup of veggies
Cup of white boiled rice, pasta or beans (i try not to beans)

Before Gym
1 table spoon diabetics penaut butter
2 Scoops of Cellculor C4 50%
1 Scoop of creatine
4 pills of NO2 Black

After gym
2 Scoops of Gold Standar
Cup of strawberries or handful of almonds or a tablespoon of peanut butter for diabetics

About 8PM
Tuna or Salmon steak
2 tablespoons of home made guacamole
@lobocairn Seems like youre getting like 1 decent sized meal a day and then a shit ton of supplements. Any idea how many calories youre getting? Thats seems like paleo and the paleo stuff ive seen suggest grown men eating like 2200kcals a day and thats nearly not enough imo. Get some more carbs and try to eat like 3000-4000kcals depending on your size and training.