What’s wrong with my diet? Doing about 6 to 8 Wods per week, losing power and motivation! (Sleep 7 to 8 hours daily)


New member
Morning nice people from reddit, I was wandering if you may be able to find my fault:
10 egg whites
2 big pieces of bacon
2 guacamole table spoons
1 scoop of Xtend aminos
4 NO2 black pills
1 testo fuel
2 multi
2 mineral multi

Protein Shake
2 scoops, gold standard
cup of strawberries
1 banana
handfull of almonds

250grs protein
Cup of veggies
Cup of white boiled rice, pasta or beans (i try not to beans)

Before Gym
1 table spoon diabetics penaut butter
2 Scoops of Cellculor C4 50%
1 Scoop of creatine
4 pills of NO2 Black

After gym
2 Scoops of Gold Standar
Cup of strawberries or handful of almonds or a tablespoon of peanut butter for diabetics

About 8PM
Tuna or Salmon steak
2 tablespoons of home made guacamole
@lobocairn Seems like youre getting like 1 decent sized meal a day and then a shit ton of supplements. Any idea how many calories youre getting? Thats seems like paleo and the paleo stuff ive seen suggest grown men eating like 2200kcals a day and thats nearly not enough imo. Get some more carbs and try to eat like 3000-4000kcals depending on your size and training.
@lobocairn You're not eating anywhere near enough food for what you're doing. You're eating less than 100g of carbs throughout the entire day, and you're doing 2-a days. Eat more whole wheat carbs, brown rice or sweet potatoes.
@lobocairn Is there a reason you don't eat carbs? Carbs aren't evil, they help with recovery and boost your energy systems, if you're doing that many metcons, plus lifting, no amount of whey protein and supplements are going to help. Now, this statement is general and doesn't apply to everyone, but you should experiment with adding more carbs. Early on, I refused carbs and I my training was stringing along but everything exploded when I added carbs.

I encourage you to start tracking your macros. Tons of online resources to help you determine your macros, the ratios, and how to track your food.

Good luck.
@dawn16 Where? a cup of rice and a couple cups of fruit isn't enough to count for "a ton".

Either get plenty of carbs or have a shot at going keto. Don't land in the middle and expect great things.
@fredindallas A ton is an exaggeration, sure. Poor choice of words. But there's another cup of veg, a banana and whatever is in the guac and low glycemic peanut butter and almonds.

Saying "they don't eat carbs" isn't fair from my perspective. Certainly aren't avoiding them.
@lobocairn If you are doing a paleo style diet, add some paleo carbs: sweet potatoes, yams, yuca, plantains. Some people tolerate white rice and white potatoes better than others but they are not paleo approved. If you are afraid of gaining bodyfat, try to time your carb heavy meals around your workout.
@lobocairn "Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat." - Coach Greg Glassman, founder of CrossFit

As many have already said, start eating more food not powders/pills. The only variation I take on the above information is that I do include things like brown rice or quinoa periodically. I have also moved to supplements that are paleo-friendly just to avoid excessive sugar intake. PaleoEthics (www.paleoethics.com) has a decent pre-workout (taste isn't the best but if you down it quickly you can get past it). For protein powder I get mine from Paleopro.com.

Be sure to eat plenty throughout the day (it sounds like you're at a defecit based on your current activity level) and keep your H2O levels up!
@lobocairn How long have you been doing this? Are you trying to go keto? You will hit a very low point before you level out if you are just starting out with no carbs. Performance will suffer.
Male / 30 / 5.6ft / 160 pounds (I've been doing this for 5 weeks, in the beginning it helped me a lot improving, but somewhere last week started to lose strenght... so i agree on the carbs, what would you add and when?... would you take out the supplements?)
@lobocairn Supplements exist, literally, to SUPPLEMENT what you normally are unable to get from eating normal food. Most people use Whey (or some protein supplement) because they either cant afford, dont have time, or are not able to access real meat at the time (like in the gym, on the go, etc.). Plus it's really expensive to be using that much.

I'd suggest cutting down the powder to 1x/day around your workout. C4 is fine if you need the extra boost for your workout and really doesnt impact macros at all. Creatine is great and you should keep that. The rest of the junk No2 and what not you could probably get rid of.

Definitely add carbs. Whole wheat bread, pasta, rice, sweet potato, bananas, anything healthy.