What’s your Fran time?

@cinderedsoul The wheelhouse thing is wild. Like I consistently finish in the bottom 30% of the class everyday. But on Tuesday the WOD was 3 rounds of 400m row, 25 deadlifts at 115# and 12 pullups. I absolutely smoked that thing and finished ahead of everyone by like a minute mainly because I could rip off those deadlifts in one set each round, power through the pullups and recover on the row. Was almost the perfect workout for me. The next day I came in dead last.
@tiswinnieyo Yeah everyone is good at certain things! There’s a dude at my gym that most workout we will finish close. But he’s 6’3” and I’m 5’9” so any machine workout he smokes me and visa versa and gymnastics workout I win. Rest are a coin flip!