What’s your Fran time?

@asphaltpotato I saw someone in my gym do it in 2 minutes and a very small amount of change once. Like, 2:18 or something ridiculous. I was filming it and operating the timer and was less nervous firing chaff rockets at Soviet aircraft that had radar lock on me in 1989 Guantanamo Bay. I thought I was as going to f up sooo bad. He was kind of a hot head.
@asphaltpotato Do I get a prize for being the slowest to comment so far?! 🤣

I’ve actually only done it once and that was a 7:01 last year…. 42 year old guy weighing 76kg (168lbs) and 180cm tall.

Getting in to that pain cave and grinding stuff out even when your body is telling you no is my single biggest CrossFit weakness and always has been
@asphaltpotato I'm here to represent the mere mortals. I'm 49M and the thruster is pretty heavy for me. The last time I tried to do Fran Rx, my time was close to 20 minutes because I was so gassed by the thrusters.
@asphaltpotato Fran is def a workout which favors smaller athletes. Barbell is fairly light, and it’s significantly harder pulling 200lbs over the part 45 times than it would be 160lbs.

So for your size, 5:22 is a respectable time. Not saying you can’t improve.

But for most normal people (not elite athletes), you’ll see the sub-4 min scores coming from small folks.
@kezi I can definitely build more lactic tolerance. The pull ups felt pretty easy for me but I can build strength in the thruster and I think that will help