What’s your opinion?


New member
School is about to start up and I will be crunched for time with school and work, so I will probably move to a 3 day a week full body split (focusing on compound movements). this is what I was thinking.

Workout A:
5 sets of Squats, 6-8 reps (80% max)
5 sets of Bench, 6-8 reps (80% max)
5 sets of Barbell rows 8-10 reps
5 sets of any pull exercise (week 1: lat pull downs. Week 2: cable row)

Workout B:
5 sets of Deadlift/rdl, 4-10 reps (90% max)
5 sets of pull ups
5 sets of Ohp, 8-10 reps
5 sets of any push exercise (dips/weighted dips)

Workout A:
5 sets of Squats, 6-8 reps (80% max)
5 sets of Bench, 6-8 reps (80% max)
5 sets of Barbell rows 8-10 reps
5 sets of leg press

week 1, do workout A on MF, on W do workout B. week 2 do workout B MF, on W do workout A. Alternate
Monday do an extra pull exercise
wednesday do an extra push exercise
friday do an extra leg movement (leg press)
@podlife Looks fine. I would do some sort of single leg exercise like a lunge or Bulgarian split squat as well and calf training too. 5 sets of everything feels a little excessive but I get you're trying to cram volume in a 3 day a week full body routine.

Only one that confuses me is how you're going to manage 4 sets of 10 at 90 percent your one rep max. I think your calculations are off with that. That or I'm reading it wrong.

Anyways happy lifting!
@unikue I can see that it looks a little weird and that I didn’t explain much. It’s 5 sets of deadlift/rdl for 4-10 reps. If I end up doing deadlift I will do 4-6 reps at 90% 1 rm and if I do rdl I’ll do 8-10 reps; that’s what the 4-10 reps means. Probably should have taken out the 90% max to make it less confusing.