What’s your optimal workout time(s) and what time do you actually do it?

@hungry_hungry_hippo Currently I like to workout at home and or run around 10am. We are a one car family so if I want to go to the gym, I have to wait for my husband to drive us, so after 5pm unless it is the weekend. Weekends, I like to run and workout sometimes early ish or mid day, around 7-11am.
@hungry_hungry_hippo When I was a student and my schedule was flexible, between 10am-2pm was the sweet spot. Also, the gym is way less occupied.

Now Ii work 9-5 and don't go to the gym haaahaha

Semi j/k but when I do I'd like to go either early at 6am or late after 8:30pm. Basically I hate people (this sentiment existed long before the pandemic) so I will do anything to avoid crowded spaces with a high percentage of men lol. Immediately after work would be ideal, but alas, people.
@hungry_hungry_hippo I prefer the morning. My optimal time would be about 8 am but that's too late for me when I'm not working from home, so I actually go ~6.30am. Main reason for that preference is the weights section being quieter, and getting it done and out of the way so I don't flop on the sofa in the evening instead of exercising. I don't mind evening exercise in itself though - my roller derby practices are 7-9pm and it's fine sleeping/eating dinner around those times - the gym is just too busy for my liking then.
@hungry_hungry_hippo Afternoon or evening for me. Mon - Fri I work, so those days, it would have to be evening. I am garbage in the morning, I am clumsy and lethargic, when I had Saturday morning practices in high school and college sports, that is when I was most likely to get injured.
@hungry_hungry_hippo I usually workout at noon (2-4PM) on holidays, but now that I’m back on campus I’ve been working out at (6-8AM) I hated it at first but now it’s something I look forward to despite not being a morning person.

I do miss staying up and having a social life past 9pm though lol.
@hungry_hungry_hippo I love that 10-11AM range but since I work, this happens only on the weekends. Weirdly enough, if I don’t head to the gym by 10 on the weekend..it won’t happen if I’m free the whole day. I’m now trying to push myself to do AM workouts before work instead of after because I hate how busy the gym is and I’m more likely to not go after a bad day of work.

We’ll see how it goes
@hungry_hungry_hippo I never want to work out in the morning, but once I do I feel great for the rest of the day - more energized for the workday. I’m WFH right now and have a garage gym, so I’ve been working out around 7:15-7:30, before work starts at 8:30.
@hungry_hungry_hippo My ideal workout times are 11am or 2pm, in summer, and in winter I'd also include 6 or 7pm. I try to get outside in the hour or so before the sun goes down, and my workouts are indoors so that is why it changes with the season.
Reality is that 4-5 days per week (work days) I workout at 6.30am as the most practical solution. Weekends I am much closer to my ideal times.
@hungry_hungry_hippo yoga and jog in the a.m (around 7) before breakfast (around 830)

lift weights at lunch time (1130ish) before I eat lunch around 1pm

after work, I eat supper (around 430) and have martial arts training from 6 to 830pm

weekends is yoga and hiking/walking.

(I also don't intentionally do intermittent fasting, that's just how I eat. Sometimes after training I will have some ice cream or chocolate milk or a bowl of cereal)
@hungry_hungry_hippo I’m a late nighter! I know it’s weird but i do it past 9pm. Then I will eat a big post-workout meal (usually involving rice and chicken) and go to bed. I usually have the best sleep ever this way.

I usually get extremely tired after workout so if I workout early, I will be a slob the rest of the day. So I like to get everything done for the day first.
@hungry_hungry_hippo So far, consistently between 6:30 and 8 pm after work with a workout partner (accountabilibuddy), but the catch is we workout at a nearby playground ( bring TRX and jump rope etc for crazy bodyweight routines) or my apartment with weights so no gym crowd. I'm drained mentally and stiff physically and also ADHD... I definitely don't think it would be the same if I didn't have a partner who is so consistent.

I sit at a desk all day at work with barely any break, then usually have to stand for over an hour on the crowded subway to get home. I am tired and the couch is tempting but it feels so good to get home and workout before dinner and stretch my body out after a long workday!
@hungry_hungry_hippo I like to work out in the afternoon/evening right between 3-6pm. I go to school during the day and then I work 7p-7a at my job so it’s kind of the perfect time for after school or before work. I used to work out in the morning and I miss it sometimes but this works well for me!! I’m normally pretty energized too or at least in the mindset to want to get in there and blow off some steam/feel better.