What’s your optimal workout time(s) and what time do you actually do it?

@hungry_hungry_hippo I workout between 6-8am on weekdays… on weekends I usually try to climb or run outside so that is usually dependent on the weather on what works best. Ideally, I like workout early though to get it out of the way and to start my day off in a good mood!
@hungry_hungry_hippo I feel the best and most energetic at the end of the day (around 7-9 pm) but almost exclusively workout first thing in the AM because my gym is less crowded. I often run at night though.
@hungry_hungry_hippo I tend to go before breakfast & before my lectures start, so usually from 8 to 9 so I have time to get home, shower, eat, and calmly make my way to class. During holidays I went from 9 to 10 so I'd have some time to sleep in. Plus if I get it out of the way first thing in the morning it doesn't interfere with the rest of my day. I'll work out after a lecture only if I can't go before it.
@thebadcatholic This is absolutely me, except I have to get up early enough that my workouts end up happening after work. My weekend workouts are always in the afternoon. I perform so much better.
@hungry_hungry_hippo I'm a big morning person. I like to get my main workout done before the day has the chance to get in the way. I take my dog on a mile walk around 515am. I leave for the gym at 6 and my workout (heavy lifting) tends to take a bit over an hour and then I either head to to office or back home if it's wfh day. I tend to do more walks throughout the day or after dinner. My walks aren't as time of day dependent as my lifting sessions are.

If I have to miss a morning workout (oddball work days that have to start early), I'll miss the whole day rather than go to the gym after work. That just feels sooo weird to me that I just can't do it. Also there's so many more people there then. I love that I never have to wait for equipment in the mornings and that I have plenty of room to move around.
@hungry_hungry_hippo I don't like to work out after eating, so before breakfast is best. I'll usually have a banana and some coffee as a preworkout snack. In an ideal world I'd work out at 7:30 every day.

By evening I'm tired and unmotivated, although I can do it if the schedule allows nothing else.
@samolub It's not for everyone, that's for sure! I'm not really human before about 12pm, breakfast or no breakfast, and when I started working full time I valued my sleep over eating something. Now that I work from home mostly it's easier to fit in that lunch time workout too. It's shorter than I'd like but much easier than dragging myself to the gym at 5pm.
@sergeiyes Exactly the same. I normally workout 7am - 8am weekdays out of habit and 8am - 10am on the weekends. If I exercise at night, I feel like I don’t put in full effort as I’m usually tired/busy with other things.
@naturemade I’m always kind of anxious until I actually get my workout done for the day. A nagging voice guilts me until I “get it over with” lol! Then I can actually be productive and think about other things