What’s your workout schedule/routine?

@rorypond Leading up to now: 531 either 4 or 3x/week templates and 4x/week conditioning, usually a calisthenic/kettlebell "metcon"

Right now: 531 3x/week. Garmin half marathon program 4x/week. Sneak in a kettlebell "metcon" when I can.

Near horizon: 531 2x/week, wrap up garmin half marathon plan and transition to Higdon marathon program. Likely no "metcons"

Post race: 531 4x/week, back to strength specific training. Likely some more metcons.
@rorypond Ehhhh I’m getting back into it after a short break, but I like to do a full body workout 2x a week (M/F), rock climb 2x a week (Tu/Thurs), 2-4 mile run 2x a week (W/Sat), and some light yoga on my Thursday lunch break and Sunday mornings. If I’m feeling too tired I’ll take a rest day, but I have a lot of things to fit in and I’d rather space them out over days than try and fit running and lifting into one day, and then take a rest day between, so I can focus more on the activity at hand for that night.
@rorypond Five day lower/upper/accessory on a 3-week wave load cycle. I'm the one executing it, so I understand the cycle-to-cycle flow. But written out, it might confuse you.
@rorypond It varies and i tend to change things up with the seasons. I’m currently doing a 4 day a week deadlift focused strength block with 3 aerobic focuses classes each week plus i do crossfit metcons around 3 times a week right now.

For the summer i’ll probably do some more home workouts and switch the gym classes for some running and swimming, maybe i’ll only do the crossfit metcons some weeks.
@rorypond I wake with the intentions to exercise every day. As a 51 year old male who exercised like a beast in his teens through mid 30’s. As I’ve gotten myself slowly back into better habits and routines over the past decade after being out of the game for 6-8 years, at first I was doing plyometric exercises for about 20 minutes a few days a week and calling that exercise. I slowly started to add some body weight exercises to my routines. I still found that this was not enough to get back into any kind of shape. I soon discovered some CrossFit and kettle bell exercises that I enjoyed doing. Now for the past couple of years I’m starting to really see some results from my hard work.

So what I now do most days is I wake up and walk a mile and a half. I don’t consider this exercise but more or less just some movement for my body to start the day and clear my mind getting some fresh air and sunlight. I’ll eat my breakfast and work for 2-3 hours. I will then do about 20 minutes of a kettle bell core workout. Again I tell myself that this isn’t my exercise but just some healthy movement for me. I will eat my lunch and then work for a couple of more hours. Now I will do a fairly strenuous body weight and weight workout. I’ll usually train a muscle group for 20-40 minutes hard keeping time under tension. I’ll do two days in a row of an upper body group and then do a leg workout, do another 2 days of upper body and then legs again. On days that are not leg days I will also get in some leg exercises with the kettle bells too within my core workout that day. I never intentionally take a rest day. Rest days will be given to me on those random days where life is just too busy or something. This type of a regime is what I have found to be a good recipe for me to pack on some muscle weight and get into overall better shape.
Also I’m so sorry but can anyone explain to me what 531 is….I’m simply just a girl😅 Even a YouTube or wiki or something that puts it in laymen terms would suffice!!