What are some good workouts for a man who’s overweight?

@or19937 Try and work up to several miles even if you have to walk them. Drink only water or unsweetened tea or coffee. When lifting weights work on your largest muscles so do squats and chest presses.
@or19937 You've got almost my exact profile of a year ago. Now I'm down 75lbs so know that it is possible.

Most important aspect is your nutrition. You won't outwork a bad diet unless you go full time like a pro athlete.

Personally, I went on a 2kcal daily max with 18/6 intermittent fasting. Split Chest/arms x2, back/shoulders/ legs for at least 4 workouts a week, focussing on compound movements. Althought now I regret neglecting my core and abs. Cardio wise I ran after the workouts, gradually went from 1km at 8km/h to 3km at 10km/h.

Good luck friend and don't neglect your sleep.
@or19937 I was the same height and weight as you.
Ditch the treadmill go out for walks.

Focus a lot on weight training.

So simple stuff like bench press, deadlift, shoulder press, bicep curls and triceps extension.

Do like five reps of this, 3 times a week. You will start seeing lot of difference.
Plus control the diet.
@or19937 Multijoint exercises for best muscle growth. Like legpress, bechpress, overheadpress etc. Dont focus on isolation movements too much. Build your musclemass and focus on keeping it fun and consistend. 2-3 times a week fullbody workouts is best way at the beginning. As you are a littlebit overweight dont stress too much of cardio. Keep it simple like walking 2-3 times a week 45-60 min. Let your body get used to training slowly.
@or19937 Have same thoughts with other who commented. But yeah you should try treadmill walking; inclined 12 level for 30mins. Daily if possible. Then do calorie deficit.

You might be interested at https://fitsenpai.com

It can help you create your personalized workout and meal plans (with macros, recipe and shopping list). Depends on your goals and preferences.
@or19937 Diet is far more important than working out in relation to weight gain. There is lots of free advice available in relation to healthy meal prepping etc. MyFitnessPal is an excellent and easy way to track your calories and understand what you are eating. Even using it for a few weeks will help you set a baseline and establish good habits.

I would advise getting a resistance programme for the gym 2-3 days a week and fit whatever cardio you like around that. The best exercise plan is one you enjoy and can stick with. If it feels like a chore you’ll end up resenting doing it.

I walk my dog twice a day morning and late evening and that brings my steps well over the 10,000 and I do a bit of cycling at the weekend and that’s plenty for me along with the resistance training.
@or19937 If you can find it still, i reccomend ‘Body for Life’ by Bill Phillips. It really helped me when I was starting out. Plans tend to throw a lot of information at people and this was very basic for a non-gym person and easy to follow. Once you get the hang of it, you can tighten up the plan with counting macros, adding more cardio/weights etc.
@or19937 I weighed 317 pounds over a year ago after being on Nutrisystem but am stuck at around 215 now. One of the things that I use to exercise is an under desk mini bike by Rotai. I used it without electricity at first, but it is motorized and all you have to do is put your feet on the pedals, plug it in and choose a speed. You can pedal backwards and forwards. It’s so easy and you could watch tv while you are pedaling. Sometimes I watch virtual cycling videos on YouTube or listen to music on Spotify. It cost over 200 dollars, but it is well worth it.
@or19937 before any workout, go into a caloric deficit. find out your maintenance calories and then start eating less than that. start walking on a treadmill at an incline at a comfortably fast speed and cycling helps too!
@or19937 Pick a couple multi-joint movements such as:
Push Ups
Goblet Squats
Bear Crawls

For the first 2 weeks dedicate 20 minutes of practice to them daily, rest as needed and focus on perfecting the technique.
For weeks 3 to 8:
3 to 4 times a week: Set a timer for 5 minutes per movement and count the total reps you can complete in that time. Rest 1 minute between movements and try and beat it next time.
After week 8, see where you are and pick a new program. If you try it let me know how it goes. I am happy to answer any specific questions you have.
@or19937 For losing weight you want to be in a caloric deficit, the easiest way to do this is by eating healthy and maybe including some cardio to help you burn some extra calories. If you want to not only lose weight but to stay healthy include some strenght training, you will thank me.

PD: A nice hack that will help you is: Do NOT drink your calories, avoid sugary drinks such as sodas and juices.
@or19937 Lift more and do less cardio, you will need something to fill out the loose skin when you lose weight from the calorie deficit. Eat .8 - 1 gram of protein per lb of body weight and watch the gainz!
@or19937 A lot of people are saying eat less. Yes, you can eat one pizza slice instead of two, but then the hunger is a real thing. I have found success in filling my stomach with something low in calories, like fruit or veg, then eat the thing I want. If I have 2 cups of watermelon, then eat 1 slice of pizza, I'm full, and I ate what I wanted. I saved calories, and made a healthier choice. Just a tip that's been helping me.