What are the best adjustable dumbbells for home use?


New member
I am looking for adjustable dumbbells to buy for myself. I work from home and want to stay active and workout from home as well. Would love to have suggestions which dumbbells to buy.

Thanks in advance!

Edit: I managed to buy Bowflex Selectech 552. using these dumbbells are really helping me a lot. Thanks to all of u guys.
@mel101 I have the Bowflex and they're fine, but I recently checked out my friends Nüobells and I really like those. Also, I just saw the Rep x Pépin adjustables were released and those look great as well.

Depending on what you're using your DBs for, you may find the Bowflex run out of weight pretty fast. 52.5 isn't much for legs, chest, rows, etc. I wish I had just gone with heavier adjustable DBs from the start.
@chaboo Yea they aren't perfect but they get the job done in the home gym. I don't think the build quality is an issue, but the design itself could be a little more refined. When you only need 20# but it's as long as a 90#, it tends to feel clunky and distracting. I'd still recommend them though.
@chaboo I had the 552s for several years and I liked them a lot but I recently upgraded to the 1090s, which go from 10 - 90 lbs. It's great to have those extra weight options but the handles are pretty thick and take some getting used to.
@hoahtx Imma feel bad for anyone who bought this and isnt gonna get what they expect because it's not explained well and the base picture makes you think you are getting the whole thing but you arent. Most people buy things based on the picture and price and completely ignore the specs and detailed info of products.

This is for the stage two expansion kit and takes the power blocks from the maximum of 50 pounds with stage one to 70 pounds with this addon.

Being that it's sold out and as someone who deals with ECommerce stuff like this daily with people thinking they are getting something pictured, I forsee a lot of returns of this.