What are your opinions on exercising 7 days a week?

For instance:

Mon: Long distance run (60 min)

Tue: Full body gym (90 min)

Wed: Full body gym (90 min)

Thu: Plyometrics (20 min), Swimming (30 min)

Fri: Full body gym (90 min)

Sat: Full body gym (90 min)

Sun: Sprint training (20 min)
@xxjesusfreak1984xx If you are training full body in the gym I’m going to assume you are weightlifting, and on that assumption I will say leaving a day in between is best. You will be fatigued from the previous workout and it’s best if you rest 48 hours before training the same muscle groups.

If you want to maintain your schedule, you can try tuesday - upper body, wednesday - lower body, friday - upper body, saturday - lower body.
@xxjesusfreak1984xx This is just entirely too much working out. Why does a full body workout take you 90 minutes? Why are you doing 20 whole minutes of plyometrics and THEN swimming? Why are you doing any of this?

If you are trying to exercise yourself skinny, this will fail.
@mosessaloe Bench Accessory
5x45% Band pull x 25
5x55% Band pull x 25
5x65% Band pull x 25
5x75% Belt squat
5x85% Trap DL
5x95% Belt squat
10x50% Trap DL
10x50% Belt squat
10x50% Trap DL
10x50% Belt squat
10x50% Trap DL

This was yesterday's. Each line is a superset.

Edit: Ugh mobile formatting. Basically a set of bench at the given percentage, immediately superset with an accessory.
@xxjesusfreak1984xx Training every day is not inherently bad if you're managing the training load / recovery.

My questions would be - How are you doing that? and Why do you feel you need 7 days instead of fewer?
@xxjesusfreak1984xx Depends on age, and if you're gonna go down a steroid route. The body can only take so much abuse before you crash. Tried the 7 days abuse when I was 26, turning 27, and eventually just started backtracking in progression. Lost gains, felt more and more tired. Cut down to 5 days a week and my body responded well to that. Now soon turning 36, I don't think I would dare try 5 days a week like I used to, with 10 hours weekly training on average.
@xxjesusfreak1984xx I’m gonna go ahead and take a shot in the dark. You are in your 20s and relatively new to working out. Not to rain on your parade, but if you’re working full time with adult responsibilities and pressure, you’re gonna burn out.
@xxjesusfreak1984xx I think you are not able to put in the necessary intensity to do all of that each week. I would at least re-arrange some of the days to be a little more effective…

That said, if you aren’t chasing goals, are having a good time, and aren’t suffering any detrimental effects, keep at it!
@xxjesusfreak1984xx Hey OP! I would make sure you have one rest day. Try not to exhaust your body. The benefits of a rest day would be allowing your muscles to repair themselves, regaining energy, letting soreness go away, and just a sense of relaxation. Maybes instead of just not doing anything that day, take a magnesium salt bath, get a massage (if you have the funds), do yoga or some other exercise that stretches the muscles, etc.