What are your opinions on exercising 7 days a week?

@xxjesusfreak1984xx I plan workouts 7 days a week. However 2 caveats, 1 if something more important comes up I treat it as a rest day and I give a rest day between strength workouts


Sunday RR from BWF

Monday run easy 10mi

Tuesday RR from BWF

Wednesday bike 45 min

Thursday RR from BWF

Friday run fast 4 mi

Saturday bike 90 min

And I’m prioritizing strength followed by endurance this cycle so if I ditch something it is usually the short run or bike
@xxjesusfreak1984xx Too much. Like others said, full body should not take anywhere near that long. I only do full body if I have an extra day because you need to rest after those and it’s usually 40 minutes.

Running is awesome and that’s great if you can do it often! As for weight lifting, I do 4 days a week or 5 if I’m lucky.

Your body needs rest to progress and heal after tough days.