What are your personal indicators to NOT hit the gym?

@5061756c Current asthmatic lol; no but I’ll look into it. My lungs work like donkey shit, but they’ve worked better ever since the universe blessed me by putting weightlifting/Track+Field in my life 😌

Still, I cut my session short today, went to work early, and immediately hooked myself up to a pulse ox to find I was sating 93, so if I can beef up my lungs further I’m in cause they’re still donkey shit 😅
@ensea12 When going to the gym would be bad for your health or other aspect of your life. You can always do a make up or a rest day if needed. Sometimes just doing some stretches, light workout or whatnot is great to be active without additional fatigue added.
@ensea12 Yeah, honestly 3 days off in a row isn't a good idea either as you're not really benefitting from Muscle Protein Synthesis by that point. You should really be doing 2 on 1 off 2 on 2 off
@ensea12 I feel ya. My morning oatmeal goes down like lead some days. I stopped drinking caffeine for about 2 months and have recently added it back to my workouts and that helps.
@ensea12 Sweating profusely with light weights. Better just to go home, my body is tired even if I want to push it, and I end up paying double for a bad training session.
@ensea12 Poor sleep, aches and bad DOMs, feeling lethargic and tired(not laziness but mental fatigue), and feeling loss of strength all good indicators of not hitting a session.

If your strengths down its best just to wait another day and get a good night of sleep. But all my rest days are planned so I don't usually have to deload or skip the gym because I have at least 3 days between workouts.
@ensea12 Im going through it now. For me it's that my appetite goes away. I feel very tired when I wake up, even if I sleep like 8-9 hours every night. I feel this "emptiness" in my body and when I'm at the gym I can't get into the right headspace. Like I just can't focus or push myself.

After upping both protein and calories without it getting better, I decided it was time for a deload week.
@dawn16 Sounds like what I've experienced for a while. I've never really been able to pin point it, but it's much much worse when I'm in a depressive episode. Hope you're doing okay 🤙
@ensea12 I do Active Recovery so on days I’m feeling like shit I’ll get a good walk in so I still did something that day and it’s low enough on difficulty to walk that you get your elevated heart rate without stressing yourself too much. Helps speed recovery too unless you have the flu.
@ensea12 Poor Whoop scores and the best advice from Kelly Starrett- if it feels sketchy it is sketchy. If something feels injured, you feel gross from sleeping 4 hours etc, that covers it all
@ensea12 Over the past few months, I’ve tried to switch my thinking from: only skip workouts when they are scheduled

to: pay closer attention to the central nervous system.

Admittedly, you can’t “feel” the CNS but you can feel soreness or DOMS. I don’t skip workouts when I’m sore but I do when I feel a deep soreness and a feeling of lethargy that borders on illness

I found this article to be really informative on the topic
