What are your personal indicators to NOT hit the gym?

@ensea12 Gttfg lol

Wtf are you looking for excuses not to go

Worst case do skill work, incline walking, dial the intensity back a bit

Do your main lifts and pack it in

Or do your main lifts and realize you're actually feeling fine lol

What is this sub lmfao
@ensea12 Just stay consistent. The days we feel like going the least are often the most productive. Also the older you get the easier taking a day off becomes, and the one Dat becomes a week at first, then a month Flys by. ...
@ensea12 I have went to the gym the day after being blackout drunk. My policy is go and hit at least a shitty low volume low weight session ( i see it as a maintenance session). I generally only skip gym if I am unable to eat or have a temperature.
@ensea12 Poor sleep and injury. I messed my shoulder up to the point I gave physical therapy 3× a week but I still find myself wanting to make time for the gym. I went once and tried not targeting the muscle by almost everything uses your shoulders in some capacity.
@ensea12 I try to not allow that to be a thing unless it's been a brutal day before , instance will be I hit a new pr on deadlift , 105kg, not alot of some people , but for me it's my new max, the day after, I never felt my posterior chain ache like that with Dom's before , and I was mentally struggling , couldn't think very well, bad brain fog, so I took a other days rest, and even on the second day, my performance wasn't it's best , I didn't progress as much as I'd like in other lifts. But the intensity was there, so for me , that's the main thing.

I think this all changes the more experienced you get from what I can tell, I will need more recovery compared to alot of advanced lifters even the intermediates.
@ensea12 I run a 4 day split. I work trades. I will go before work at 4 am. If I go to bed say around 10 and my body is just ruined form the day, I will program a different day because I have room for that . Has served me well the last 2 years of doing this . ( did the usual 6 day split at my old job before covid changed everything.)
@ensea12 I'll hit the gym regardless and see how it feels. If I'm not where I want I'll either do a light workout or I'll back off for a day. There are plenty of days where I don't feel like going to the gym but the workout ended up amazing.
@ensea12 For me, not being excited to lift is a good one. I'm almost always looking forward to my workouts. If I wake up and I have no desire to lift that day, then I don't. It's not out of laziness since that lack of desire to lift usually comes with feeling more fatigued in general. It's harder to get out of bed, maybe a bit more sore than usual.

So I end up following a 3 or 2 on, 1 off schedule, and take 2 days off in a row when I feel like I could need it. I actually really like 2 off days in a row after 3 days in a row. I feel great returning to the gym afterwards, well recovered, even a bit more motivated than I already am.

If my desire to lift is consistently low and I feel fatigued and low energy throughout the day consistently, then that's when I know I need more than just a day or two off, and need to lower my volume for a bit.
@ensea12 Shoulder pain if it’s push or pull day. Thigh pain if it’s leg day. No sense in making an already injured/sore body part even worse and make it take longer to recover!
@ensea12 • If I'm overly tired

• If it's so late that working out would keep me up later - knowing I have to wake up early already

• Injury/Pain - but generally I will still go to the gym, I'll just avoid anything that involves the source of the pain.