What do y’all think about this split? Try it yourself too!


New member

SA = single arm
DA = double arm

I’d do core at least 3 times a week and I def wouldn’t do it the day before you squat. Also I’d do stretches after each workout if I were you. Cardio and core exercises are up to you tho.

So for this four day split I would keep lower body and upper body splits apart and not together. So don’t do chest and the next day do shoulders, give yourself at least a day break for your upper body and same for legs bc you’ll be deadlifting (which works lower back and hamis).
I would do chest day, back, shoulders, legs repeat. You can incorporate shoulders into your chest day but your workout will become even longer so maybe pick and choose what you need to hit incase you have something that came up during your chest or shoulder day. Or do whatever you want I dunno 🤷‍♂️
Also on leg day alternate between the quad heavy day and quad heavy day.


Back and bi day:

Warm up and do dynamic stretches such as toy soldiers, high knees, butt kicks, fire hydrants, etc. (do as many as you think you need and feel warm enough). Can even warm up on treadmill if need be.

Deads warm up to your desired weight then your sets start. Try a 5x5 and make sure you reset each time you come down, don’t bounce that weight.

Barbell rows or cable rows, 3x10

Lat pull down wide grip, 3x10

SA row machine, bench w/ dumbbell, or t-bar rows. 3x8-10

SA lat pull down on cables, or machine. 3x8-10

Straight arm pull down 3x10-12
(You don’t have go to heavy on these. I do about 30lbs tbh) but if you can do more go for it. I rather you have control and good ass reps and contraction instead of doing it to get it done.

Reverse fly 3x15
I usually use a bench to assist me with this while standing. I put my chest flat on the top of the chair and do controlled rear set flys. You can use a machine as well so you can hit it from different angles


There’s so many things you can do here
SA or DA for...

Spider curls
Reverse curls
Hammer curls
Concentration curls
Preacher curls
Cable curls with the rope, bar, or SA
Seated incline curls
Midline curls
Zottman curls
21 curls

Just choose three of these exercises and do a 3x8-12 (I usually do a 3x10) and if you don’t know what any of them are I’d suggest to just look them up! Zottman curls are fun, preacher curls are a favorite, and concentration curls are a classic. Good way to finish up a back day tho. If you want to focus a little bit more on your biceps as well try doing your back exercises in a supinated position.

Chest & tri:

Warm up again. Do some arm swings, band work, use some light weights to get blood into those shoulders, etc till you’re warm.

Start with an

incline bench press 3x10
Warm up until your working set

Chest fly 3x10
(Can do cable, bench, machine) can also be incline

Chest press machine 3x10
Do some pause sets near the bottom for a second and realllly squeeze at the top.

Wide grip dips 3x10
(Can be weighted if need be)

Pec deck machine 3x10
(Or another type of fly from above)


Plate press out or close grip bench press 3x10

Like biceps choose three exercises for 3x8-12

So like..
Skull crushers
Tricep push downs (SA or DA)
Cable kick backs
French press
Bench dips
Cali press

Honestly SA or DA on anything of these.

Warm up with high knees, butt kicks, etc.

Squats 3x10, pyramid (I can explain a pyramid if you need me to) or a 5x5.
Warm up to your working weight.

Glute bridges 3x10

Quad heavy day
Leg press 3x8-10
(Lower your feet placement for more focus on quads)

Goblet squats 3x10

Leg extensions 3x10

Lunge 12 steps each side, then 10, then 8. Or however the hell you do them. I’m sure you do these and have a preference. I just work down from 12-10-8 for 3 sets for like 80lbs added on my back.

Calves 3x10-30

Hami heavy day
Leg press 3x8-10 (higher foot placement for more glute hami activation)

Hami string curl 3x10 (standing, sitting, or prone)

Romanian deadlift 3x10
(You can put a plate under your heels

Nordic hamstring curls 3x8-10
(With someone or machine assistants)

Lunges 12,10,8



Warm up with band work, get blood into those shoulders similar to chest day stuff.

Seated dumbbell press (or military) 3x10
Make sure you warm up to the weight until you’re at your working set

Lateral flys 3x10 and then a drop set to another 3x10

Machine shoulder press 3x8-10

Shrugs 3x10-12

Cable rope Face pull 3x10

Let me know what you all think and what I could include/exclude from this split! Thanks!
@lynnak 4-6 (sets) × 2-4 (reps) flat bench, 4-7 reps per set of dumbbell flies/press, some cable flies and/or dips to top it off.

If you can do more than 4 reps per set on the bench, you need more weight.