What is a good work out to do in place of dead lifts?


New member
I want to do the P.H.U.L. routine but my doctor advised me to not do deadlifts last year because of severe scholiosis.
@agrowperia Well I'm doing kettleball swing just to get some strength before I attempt to get my form down/start light deadlift. I'll go w/the hexbar b/c I injured lower right back squatting years ago. It's likely a 'pinched' disc but only on that side. Still, have to be careful. Start light.

No real substitute in my book b/c the deadlift is a compound lift but I suppose you could do leg press w/ plates and then other exercises to flesh out the rest of the "chain"; DL also activates traps, rhomboids, etc.

One thing is not sure how often I'll incorporate DL in my leg day b/c of lower back. When I return to my old routine I only hit lower back every 9 days so I'll have to gauge it.

Good luck.