What is the average PR for a 110lbs male?


New member
I'm 15M and 110lbs. I have not seen an article that shows the average lift for a person of my size. How do my lifts compare to the average person of my size?

My lifts:

Bench: 120lbs

Snatch: 85lbs

C&J: 95lbs

Back Squat: 155lbs

Front Squat: 135lbs

I have not PR'd any other lift.
@justme7777 The strength "standards" generally are;

OHP: bw
Bench: bwx1.5
Squat: bwx2
DL: bwx2.5

These are long term goals that would make you objectively strong. As for what the average untrained person can do? I'd shift all the standard numbers down by .5 to .7. I really don't know about the Olympic lifts though. For a regular untrained person a bodyweight bench is a decent starting point for example.

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