What items do I need to get started at a gym?


New member
Hi, I've been walking and doing exercises daily at home but I want to get started at an actual gym.

I am wondering what actual ITEMS I need. Obviously a water bottle, sports bra, leggings (which I am having a hard time finding ones that don't roll down b/c of my large stomach), good shoes and socks.. but I am wondering if there are any other must-haves?

I've seen things recommending wrist straps and other stuff like that so I was just wondering what are must-haves to start out with! Thanks :)

edit: thank you everyone so much for the comments!!! i rlly appreciate each and every one of u!
@leasaithe You may want a pair of headphones if you don't already have some. Music (for me) is a big part of my workouts :)

Also - if leggings aren't working for you, don't overlook other options including shorts, joggers, track pants, etc.

I've been working out for years without wrist straps or other accessories. This will depend on the types of exercises you do and IMO you don't need to start with anything and can add it in later if you find it's essential for your particular routine.
@leasaithe all you need is a membership and motivation to start, everything else is optional. water bottle is definitely good to bring but you could honestly go in pajamas and no one would take a second look. as you continue to lift heavier, straps will come in handy and cute outfits can help keep you motivated but there’s not really a lot you NEED to start going to the gym.
@leasaithe A mental trick is starting with the barest minimum then as you stay consistent allow yourself that little upgrade to cuter gym outfits, water bottle, etc. Too often we buy things for the person we want to be not the person we are currently.
@brightflame thanks! i just don't wanna be there and be like ah, i forgot something essential, guess i cant workout now 😂 but in worst case scenario i can go on the treadmill lol
@leasaithe Lifting gloves to protect your hands from callouses. I use the hell out of my wrist straps as well, but those are only necessary for certain types of lifts so maybe don’t get them until you know you need them. Some people like having a small towel to wipe the sweat from their face.
@leasaithe You need a gym membership and something comfortable to wear-leggings, sweats, joggers-whatever offer you freedom to move in. The best investment I've made in sports gear is shoes. Flat sole without bounce-think Vans-for stability while lifting. Nike Metcons are the best gym shoes I have ever had.

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